Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

    At this time, no one cared about Xu Shuhan's lawyer's mood, how irritable and uneasy.

    Even the viewers in the live broadcast room were all focused on the last information Lin Xian submitted.

    No one will hack a person for no reason, and it will last for a long time.

    Except for black fans, or opponent fans.

    In the courtroom, the judges were all looking at the evidence that Lin Xian handed over.

    Lin Xian summarized it neatly, and it was almost easy for people to understand. Looking at the evidence of the crimes and the impact that each attached message had on them, everyone couldn't help but looked up at Lin Xian sympathetically.

    The lawyer sat back almost desperately, doing his job, the most taboo thing was that the client concealed it. Sometimes even a little bit is the key.     Pressing his temples, he could have struggled a bit more, even if it didn't work, he could get a better result. But now, Lin Xian has completely shifted the focus of the case to something he didn't know.     He believed that Lin Xian wanted to clear the rumors of fraudulent donation through this lawsuit. But at the same time, she made up her mind to take the crime of defamation true. After confirming that she had communicated enough facts to everyone, she could enter a new stage.     However, because of the client's concealment, he is now at a loss.     Soon the lawyer also got the document. Looking at the evidence that Lin Xian had summarized, the lawyer was silent.     Xu Shuhan was Hei Linxian who was suddenly crazy since last year. Indeed, as Xu Shuhan said, everything he did seemed to be sparse and ordinary in the rice circle.     Whether it's scolding the 18th generation of the celebrity's ancestors, or saying that there are no rumors, some photos that can only entertain oneself, everything seems ordinary.     He scolded Lin Xian for being taken care of by the boss, and he posted 3 evidence photos, which seems to be the same.     He scolded Lin Xian for taking care of the black captain of the navy, and released a screenshot of the chat between him and the navy, which seemed to be the same.

    He said that Lin Xian likes to make tables, and then put some so-called evidence, which seems to be the same.

    He said how could everything be coincidental?

    If the flies don't bite the seamless eggs, Lin Xian has no problems, so people will not find so many problems.

    Page by page, what did he say, how many people reposted, commented, and liked, and what consequences were caused? Lin Xian didn't give him any details.

    The lawyer turned his head and looked at Xu Shuhan: "We are fighting a defamation lawsuit. Why don't you tell me these things?"

    Xu Shuhan: "...This is...very ordinary."

    Lawyer: "...Well."

    Everyone in the court, Sasha The sound of circulated reading is so heavy in silence. Lin Xian is not a star with so much popularity and big name. Very often, a small message brought her a devastating blow.

    In the live broadcast room, because of Lin Xian's victory, everyone had to accept the fact that the fraudulent donation was slandered by fans.

    [So, Lin Xian won the case? 】

    【She did not defraud the donation. 】

    【She even lends money to others when she herself is most difficult. 】

    【For a while, I didn't know what to say. 】

    【I have been scolded for a few months, and now I came out to clarify, saying that it is not a hype, I don't believe it. 】The matter is settled, the lawyer firmly asked Xu Shuhan the source of many of these words.

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