Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

    For a meal, two actresses vie for each other.

    Ruan Zeming simply broke his heart for Lin Xian. Can Lin Xian not have peace of mind with the grasshopper on the rope between the two? Could it be that she has bad senses when she comes, so it's still sweet if she and her cp cp?

    Ruan Zeming felt that he was still a bit responsible for Lin Xian, so he reminded him: "...cough"

    Lin Xian turned her head to look at Ruan Zeming, and then smiled admiringly at him.

    Ruan Zeming was dumbfounded at the time: "???" What? What's the meaning?

    Lin Xian pointed to Ruan Zeming and said to Xi Yafan: "Look, my boyfriend is now the actor Ruan Zeming."

    Ruan Zeming: "I! @#¥%" Is me, me, me... for you to block arrows? you! @#¥%...

    He was completely speechless by Lin Xian, and finally he held his forehead and lowered his head to eat. Now he understands that he should not participate in the war between women.

    Bi Song on the side swallowed and turned away. Before he came, he watched this variety show carefully, not to mention watching all three seasons, he probably still knows the process.

    Contradictions, quarrels, living in harmony, a little ambiguity, and in the end, you still need to confess but dare not confess the kind of sudden close and distant.

    In short, each season has a somewhat different pattern, but to be honest, the quarrel can be seen through TV, but the sense of watching the game on the spot is different, and it is more tense.

    Bi Song: "..."

    Only Xuan Wu said with a smile: "Nothing big, nothing big."

    And the glamorous and noble Xia Shiwen bowed his head to eat all the way, turning a blind eye to the quarrel between the two.

    After hearing Lin Xian's provocation, Xi Yafan turned to look at Ruan Zeming. After Lin Xian finished speaking, Ruan Zeming actually bowed his head and acquiesced to her boyfriend's statement. This shocked her even more than Lin Xian's stopping her.

    The dignified actor Ruan Zeming! Actually acquiesced? The quarrel made her forget what variety show she was in at this time.

    In terms of the purpose of this variety show, Lin Xian's words are not wrong.

    Xi Ya who took a deep breath, look to Lin Xian, cold Yeung said: "Lin Xian, I just did not talk to you."

    Lin Xian: "? How do you know I have that talk to you,"

    Xi Ya where a choke, you block I, you tell me now that you are not talking to me?

    Xi Yafan's smile became stiff, with a mere 18 line, and the variety show that can come to such a hot variety is burning incense. How dare to disrespect seniors so much!

    Xi Yafan snorted: "That's funny, are you talking to me, who doesn't know?"

    Lin Xian casually said, "Then ask!"

    Xi Yafan: "..." She turned her head and looked at other people. , At this moment everyone moved their heads down neatly. Even Xuan Wu, who loves to join in the fun, bowed his head to eat, as if the delicacies of the mountains and the sea were on the table at the moment, which made people unable to move their eyes.

    Seeing this scene, don't talk about asking, these people are probably just playing with the mud. Even if Lin Xian is very offended, but with so many cameras, no one wants to risk being called a long-mouthed woman or a partner bullying.

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