Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

    Lin Xian was a poor man. Her father died on the construction site when she was 17 years old. A year later, his mother was diagnosed with liver cancer, which made the already difficult family worse.

    After graduating from high school at the age of 18, she moved north to work. When she was the poorest, she could survive on white steamed buns and running water.

    Of course, these are nothing compared to everything in the world.

    For Lin Xian, being able to shop online at ease like this is something that Lin Xian didn't even dare to dream about.

    Before going to bed, she received a call from home, which was from the younger sister Lin Qing.

    She sounds tough, but still hesitated for a moment he said:. "Sister, mother of medicine not enough money,"

    Lin Xian open the panel, exchange a sum of money, then Lin said:. "I now turn to you in the past,"

    opposite ah There was a sound, and there was silence for a while before she said, "Sister, my teacher and I have applied for early graduation. I won't take the college entrance examination anymore!"

    After hearing this, Lin Xian squinted, "Did anyone tell you anything?"

    Lin Qing: "No."

    Lin Xian said, "Then take the test, don't think about the other. Check the phone, did you receive the money?"

    For Lin Xian, she tried her best to come back, why not let it go. How about the mother, younger brother, and younger sister here?

    After a moment of silence, the opposite party suddenly yelled in horror: "So much? Sister, where did you get so much money?"

    Lin Xian's eyes softened by two points, and she smiled and said, "You can rest assured that you spend the rest. Leave the matter to me. Also, I sent a courier to my mom, and there was a box of medicine in it, which I bought. You can rest assured to feed her according to the instructions above."

    Lin Qing intuitively felt that Lin Xian’s voice was a bit different, and she didn’t speak like a sound. As gentle as before, but more confident.

    She was happy in her heart and worried that all this was disguised by her sister.

    I wanted to comfort me with a few words: "Sister, things on the Internet..." He was dumb and didn't know how to say it.

    "You don't have to worry about things online." Lin Xian interrupted her: "You are a student, you just have to study. I will handle my affairs myself." After

    hanging up the phone, Lin Xian went to bed. She spent 100,000 points to redeem this box of medicine, and the biggest function of this medicine is to cure all diseases.

    With these 100,000 points, the distressed 4637 had insomnia all night.


    Different from the sweet Lin Xian who was sleeping on the bed at this time, Xi Ying on the other side was unable to fall asleep because of the trouble on the Internet.

    Many people are calling on Lin Xian to release the evidence in their hands. They want to see what evidence can make Lin Xian so arrogant.

    Even Xi Ying's fans don't think that their idol has any handle in Lin Xian's hands.

    Now that Xi Ying’s business value lies here, the company behind Xi Ying is naturally trying to keep her.

    The next day, when Lin Xian went to bed together, the door was knocked.

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