Chapter 108

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Chapter 108

    "So..." Wen Shuo followed her, with the sunset on the horizon as the background, Wen Shuo asked a question that had troubled him for many years.

    "Did you give me the answer back then?"

    Lin Xian was discharged from the hospital, and Wen Shuo helped with the procedures.

    Now that the memory is restored, there are some things that can still be asked.

    For example, what was the answer before he passed out?

    Lin Xian yawned, "Would you like to eat?" She did not give an answer, and even changed the subject.

    Wen Shuo: Eat Mao Fan! ! ! (╯▔ware▔)╯Lin

    Xian pretended to be deep , she touched her belly: "Who wouldn't be hungry in such a big car accident?"

    So, 2278 in Wen Shuo's mind immediately shouted: "Give it to her! ! Immediately!!! She has money!!!"

    Wen Shuo: "..." Shut up, poor system.

    2278 was shocked: "Who is it that I am poor???? Isn't it because I brought you such a host? All the points were transferred to her before death, and they didn't leave me a little bit." This is what humans will do. Thing?

    She has accompanied you 150 worlds, but I have accompanied you 400 worlds! ! ! 2278 is extremely uneven.

    Lin Xian stood at the entrance of the hospital, turned to look at Wen Shuo, and asked again: "Are you going to eat?"

    Wen Shuo smiled: ""

    2278: "..." Treating a boss with 1 billion points should be so polite .

    Lin Xian smiled and said, "Okay, I will book a restaurant."

    Therefore, Wen Shuo, who didn't get the answer, was unwilling and unwilling, but still happily followed Lin Xian into the car.


    And Lao Zhang, who rushed to the hospital to visit Lin Xian, was very dazed at this time.


    The doctor nodded: "ah."

    Old Zhang is very well done: "how to make her leave hospital doctor how you do it!?"

    Doctor: "Ha?"

    "That is," those colleagues followed accusations.

    "Car accident! You let her stay in the hospital for 3 hours? What about the benevolence of the doctors??"

    "Do you know how precious her hands are? Even if they are broken, you have to connect them to me!!! "

    Ah ah ah ah, don't do it! What's the use if it is disconnected! What is needed is speed!"

    "God! God is jealous of talent!!!"

    Colleagues only need to think about how Lin Xian killed the American guy. The hacker felt that Lin Xian's hands were full of Buddha's light. At this time, the light is not bright, can these people be in a hurry?

    In the chaos, the doctor finally got up and yelled, "Fuck me out!! Just a scratch on his elbow, and he was sent to the hospital? If it wasn't for the man who sent him quickly, the injury would be healed soon. After

    talking, the doctor and several nurses drove out the group of neuroses.

    Zhang Lao: "..." The

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