Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

    In fact, whether to pay the liquidated damages in the end, although Bai Youming is concerned, it is not the key.

    Why do you have to tear it this time before leaving? After all, it's actually for fame.

    The same goes for Bai Youming. She must tear this time before leaving. In addition to preventing the company from letting go, it is also because she can't bear the reputation of ungratefulness.

    But what she didn't expect was that Lin Xian really had a back hand, and she was of the kind with strong evidence.

    Take a picture of her and Mr. Zheng's appointment? This probability is very low, and Lin Xian sent someone to follow from the beginning.

    This hand is too long.

    But no matter how angry, Bai Youming's battle was still defeated.

    The defeat made her become a joke for the entire network. Therefore, three days later, Bai Youming's new boss had to go to Yijia Yijia to talk about liquidated damages in person.

    Lin Xian didn't feel embarrassed, she just smiled and said, "I know that Miss Bai is in a developmental period, but I hope you can understand that Yijia Yijia is also in a critical period. She can't bear the infamy, and we can't bear it. "

    Zheng smiled:"? I'm always joking, this thing is the lack of consideration worry Ming, the best of both worlds there is another way, is not it, "

    Lin Xian:" Zheng always say, this is a good thing. "

    said Then, Lin Xian smiled and looked at Bai Youming next to Mr. Zheng: "Since we talked about the liquidated damages, I am also willing to give in. I just don’t know whether Mr. Zheng is sincere? The value of worrying is here. Millions of things are not about cutting the price of cabbage, but they can be cut down to a few hundred."

    Bai Youming felt embarrassed, she felt like a cabbage, being bargained in the middle by these two people.

    Mr. Zheng laughed heartily: "What you said, I took away the best employees of your company. Of course, I will lose the money that should be lost."

    So that night, the netizens laughed and found out. Jia Yijia and Bai Youming tweeted at the same time.

    To the effect, these years, thanks to your company, then Balabala is just a bunch of nonsense. In the end, I said that the cooperation was very pleasant. In view of the development of Ms. Bai's career, the two sides are now peacefully ending the contract.

    Both sides gave a lot of face, although netizens laughed a lot, but at least Bai Youming will not be given an ungrateful infamy when he talks about the past.

    After Yijia Yijia lost the general Bai Youming, the shareholders of the company came to Wenshuo to sue.

    There used to be one that could make money, but now all of them are gone. Can you worry about it?

    Mr. Wang is most anxious: “Mr. Wen, you should take a look at this situation! Bai Youming is gone, how do you look at the company’s report this year?”

    Wen Shuo smiled: “Did you make up for your shortfalls in previous years?”

    Wang Whenever he choked, Wen Shuo bowed his head and said, "You won't be allowed to make up money this year. Why should you go." Mr.

    Zhao is also anxious: "Even if you don't make up, you can't keep losing money like this! Sooner or later, too. Isn't it a loss?" Mr.

    Wang and Mr. Zhao are employed in the company, so naturally they have no careers in other areas. Unlike other shareholders, there are other company management, there is no way to spend too much effort on this non-profitable company.

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