Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

    Wen Shuo is actually cold-hearted, and he is not lukewarm to anyone. In Wen's house, even if his biological parents faced him with the face, they finally separated from him.

    After the car accident, his temperament changed drastically, and he has not been so emotional for a long time. Wen Shuo himself was actually a little surprised by Lin Xian's tolerance.

    But he didn't say anything. It was not a bad thing. He wanted to see how much he could tolerate?

    For a while, everything went quiet in the office. Wen Shuo didn't bother to investigate the bento, so he simply turned his head and tapped on the computer to continue working.

    But Lin Xian was sitting on the opposite side to eat seriously. She was quiet when she ate, and there was no sound during the whole process.

    Apart from the slow cool breeze blowing from the air conditioner in the office, it was the sound of Wen Shuo's hands tapping on the keyboard. Da da da da da, in the quiet noon, a bit drowsy.

    This kind of calmness, for Wen Shuo and Lin Xian at this time, has been long-lost. They enjoy the process, as if the meal is a sparse and ordinary thing.

    Until Lin Xian finished the last bite of the meal, she pushed the bento box and then collapsed on the chair.

    Wen Shuo glanced at the empty bento box that he pushed in front of him, and then raised his eyes to look at Lin Xian on the opposite side.

    Wen Shuo: "..." You are really casual!

    Lin Xian's boldness was beyond his imagination, although, unexpectedly, he didn't have any thoughts of investigating.

    But this woman is obviously different from the legend. She is not as shy and conscientious as Secretary Bridge said. She can even be said to be courageous. For the boss in front of him, he didn't even know how to compliment him.

    Wen Shuo grinned, it was really interesting.

    However, the things that should be discussed are still to be discussed. After all, he is now the president of Yijia Yijia Company.

    So Wen Shuo pushed the computer aside and was about to speak when Secretary Qiao knocked on the door and came in.

    Secretary Qiao asked as soon as he entered, "Ms. Wen, Miss Bai Youming wants to see you. Have you finished talking with Miss Lin Xian?"

    Wen Shuo who hadn't even started talking: "..."

    Secretary Qiao looked at Wen Shuo purely, widening her eyes in confusion. boss? You are talking!

    Lin Xian on one side naturally pulled the paper towel on the desk and wiped her mouth, then got up and said: "It's okay, we're done talking."

    Wen Shuo turned his head to look at her: "When?"

    Secretary Bridge: "? "???"

    Lin Xian smiled at Wen Shuo: "If you haven't talked about it, you can talk next time!"

    Wen Shuo: "???" It's a big deal, so I have to talk twice?

    Lin Xian: "Thank you, Mr. Wen, for the hospitality. I'll go first."

    Wen Shuo: "Wait."

    Wen Shuo pressed his eyebrows and finally got out of Lin Xian's strange rhythm, and then turned to Secretary Bridge. Say: "You go out and let the one with the surname Bai wait." The one with the

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