Chapter 101

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Chapter 101

    Wen Yongze took Sen Yueqin all the way to Yijia Yijia. Before coming, Wen Jiayi asked the employees inside that Wen Shuo was already in the office.

    Although Wen Jiayi has left here, he is also a person who has been the president for a few years, and not a single person is available. Therefore, the husband and wife quickly locked Wen Shuo's position.

    Sitting in the car, Sen Yueqin looked at the busy traffic on the road, dazed to remember Wen Yi's cute appearance when she was a child. When he was just born, because he was the first child of the Wen family, he received too much attention and love.

    Later, when he grew up, the lovely Sen Yueqin's heart melted. Seeing him lying in his arms, screaming at his mother, Sen Yueqin was willing to give up everything, just to make him smile.

    The child is striving, and has been making face for Sen Yueqin all his life. Even if he grows up, he is the most perfect man in the world.

    Wearing that luxurious custom-made suit and returning home with a file bag, Sen Yueqin can be happy all day with a "Mom".

    But later, he just went out to pick up his brother as usual. Wen Yi drove very steadily, but...she could not wait for the sound of "Mom."

    The outside of the car is hot, and the inside is cool. Her life has been smooth and smooth, and it can even be said that her life is prosperous.

    After many people are born, the goal of their lives is Sen Yueqin.

    However, her son Sen Yueqin died.


    Soon, the car stopped at the door of Yijia Yijia.

    This building was rented by Wen Jiayi back then. After all, it is in the city center with its own square. No tens of billions of dollars in this building can't be solved. Wen Jiayi only rented the 16th to 18th floors at the earliest. Just to save some rent every year, at that time I made some money every year by saving money.

    Later, the company expanded, and the rent for a year was tens of millions, and the business was not doing well, and there was almost no income.

    Although this building was rented by Yijia Yijia, it was just pretty good-looking, but it was useless.

    At this time, standing under the building of Yijia Yijia, although he knew how fictitious the company was, he had to sigh that his niece had a good vision at the time.

    This building! That's true style.

    There was a security guard at the door. Seeing two middle-aged men and women

    getting off the car, they stepped forward and asked, "Hello, who are you looking for? Do you have an appointment?" Sen Yueqin then retracted his gaze to look at the building and said to the security guard, "I It's the mother of the company president!" The

    security guard was taken aback: "You said Mr. Wen? Didn't he be severed in the morning and then lost his mother?"

    Sen Yueqin: "..." At this moment, she suddenly realized that. A statement to sever the relationship is more than just a statement.

    Also cutting off a blood relative!

    But fortunately, Wen Shuo was prepared.

    Before long, Secretary Bridge went downstairs and said to the security guard: "Wen always wants to see these two." The

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