Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

    "Happy Express" has never had such a big live broadcast accident. The silence at the scene may be a numb wound after a great injury, or it may be a depressive active volcano.

    Lin Xian stood there, letting others judge.

    At this time, Ruan Zeming on one side suddenly said: "Yes, since Lin Xian said so, I don't need to make a statement. Take this opportunity to say that the

    Xianming couple are indeed fake!" At the silent scene, Ruan Zeming said this. Once said, all the audience slowly turned their heads to look at Ruan Zeming.

    Bi Song also looked at Ruan Zeming, he knew that Ruan Zeming was shifting firepower, or sharing the burden.

    Bi Song actually saw that Ruan Zeming really liked Lin Xian. It's a pity that I like Lin Xian.

    Even if you change to any other little girl, after such a simple distance without any language, it is not impossible to continue the front line. For a person like Lin Xian, he can't tolerate another mistake.

    Ruan Zeming let go at the beginning, letting go is a lifetime.

    But if he had the courage that he has now, how could he have such regrets as he is now?

    Thinking of this, Bi Song couldn’t help but feel sorry for Ruan Zeming, and then smiled and said: “We were originally a love show. Although it’s not true, we still hope to bring you a sweet heartbeat. Right! Senior Ruan, there is still a free time. Free time."

    Lin Xian turned to look at Bi Song, thanked him for a smile, and then said: "It is my original intention to participate in it to bring you these throbbing! Thank you for your love."

    Meng Tianning finally reacted and inserted it in a timely manner. , And then said something with a smile, and then changed the topic.

    This time, a large number of viewers are originally cp fans, and cp fans are divided into rational and irrational. There are not many people at the scene who can keep their sense. Director Zhao Kun was also afraid of something wrong, and quickly waved to make everyone leave.

    The audience at the scene did not respond. The demolition of the CP on the scene caused them great harm, and they were silent when they left.


    And the one who broke out earlier than the audience was the executive of Yijia Yijia.

    Finally, the company broke out a big hot actress, relying on the speculation of CP may be able to make up for this year's loss. As a result, she even dared to demolish the CP without the consent of the company.

    Which guy gave her the courage?

    As soon as Lin Xian arrived in the background, she found an unfamiliar call from her mobile phone.

    Lin Xian picked it up and heard the voice of a middle-aged man on the opposite side, full of breath: "You are Lin Xian, aren't you?"

    Lin Xian chuckled softly, "Excuse me, I am. Who are you?

    " Huh? You don’t even know who your boss is? I’m Yijia Yijia’s shareholder Wang Dong, you can call me President Wang, you know?"

    Lin Xian lowered his eyebrows: "I really don’t know, but I do. Who is the boss of Yijia Yijia."

    Wang Dong: "...Do you think that Wen Shuo that stinky boy will back you, we are afraid of you?"

    Lin Xian: "As far as I know, Miss Wen Jiayi voted 60% of the shares are now transferred to Mr. Wen Shuo. Yes, his identity is enough."

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