Chapter 92

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Chapter 92

    Wen Shuo was a little upset and couldn't help but blurt out the words, if it weren't for Lin Xian's amnesia all the time, maybe he would have been seen through it long ago.

    In fact, his memories of the aftermath of the car accident were recovered at the same time as his legs recovered.

    Probably because the drugs provided by Lin Xian have therapeutic effects, his memory is slowly recovering during the period of rehabilitation in the United States.

    To be honest, it was a bad memory. For Wen Shuo, the darkest days in life are in this memory.

    But the best day of life... is

    also in this memory.

    He is grateful for the restoration of his memory, and for the return of this precious memory. Fortunately, let him know what price Lin Xian paid for his survival.

    And this price, is it the answer she gave him?

    Lin Xian, who had no memory, could not answer Wen Shuo.


    Actually, Wen Shuo entered the world of Quick Crossing far earlier than Lin Xian. When he met Lin Xian, Wen Shuo was already a well-known god in the world of Quick Crossing.

    That's right, because it's a mission world, and there is system assistance, so except for the rookie period.

    In the later period, many people even have the right to choose the world. In the same way, it is natural to meet former teammates in different worlds.

    You can even form a team to explore those worlds together.

    The system is like an information network used by all taskers. Even taskers who have never met before can also add friends to chat in the system. Of course, even in the online world, there are naturally forums and news channels belonging to taskers.

    In the later period of Wenshuo, he was often sent to the news channel by the system, and his strategy experience was often analyzed by the taskers. Gradually, Wenshuo's name became a sign.

    Wen Shuo was Lin Xian who met in a novice world, and no tasker could attack those difficult worlds with high intensity.

    Therefore, the taskers will choose a novice world as a rest after several difficult worlds are over.

    Wen Shuo chose a novice world as his rest and buffer. Although he wanted to quickly get enough star signs to leave this world that would die at any time.

    But the 300 star logo is not that simple.

    In the world of novices, meeting novices is a matter of course.

    However, the person Wen Shuo met was Lin Xian.

    At that time, Lin Xian had just completed the first world. Because of the relationship betrayed by the most trusted person, even when Lin Xian entered the second world, she still looked so dull that she couldn't recover, and she was even trembling with fear.

    Wen Shuo only glanced at it and knew that such a newcomer would definitely die in such a world.

    If the first level depends on luck, the second world may still have that luck, but the third world cannot be solved by luck.

    Luck will not accompany any tasker with more than 5 worlds, because the difficulty of the novice world is increasing.

    After Wen Shuo has experienced hundreds of worlds, he has become accustomed to encountering new people in the novice world.

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