Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

    Lin Xian participated in "Hua Guoyin Hope" and had been making noise on the Internet for several days. Everyone felt that Lin Xian had walked the back door.

    Powerful! Heaven is lost!

    Just like Lin Xian? The students are better than her, okay! ! !

    Please! Does she still have a face? How embarrassed? ? ?

    As a result, the fans or the black fans of Lin Xian went crazy and launched crazy attacks on the Internet. Anything that can slander Lin Xian, they will spread wildly on the Internet.

    However, even so, as usual, the official blog should have come out to respond.

    This official broadcaster is just like dead, without saying a word or even anger.

    The black fan looked at it, this is not strong! Why don't you squeak?

    As a result, everyone flocked to the official blog to ask for a comment.

    [Did you collect Lin Xian money? 】

    【Just like Lin Xian, can you be a mentor? 】


    In many comments, one person said: 【If you are kidnapped, you blink. ]

    So, the official blog responded.

    It said: [I can glue 502 to my eyelids, believe it or not? 】

    Everyone:...Fuck, this licking dog licked it to the sky.

    The attitude of the official blog not only made the fans speechless, but also made the other three mentors speechless.

    But through this incident, people who are not stupid can still see that Lin Xian has really gone through the back door. Not only that, but her backstage is still tough.


    Probably the maintenance of the official blog. In the next few days, Lin Xian received a good treatment as a mentor.

    The program is still being recorded in an orderly manner. Each tutor can choose 24 students. This whole process of selecting students is considered a preliminary audition.

    After all the tutors have selected the students, the students can start the formal competition. From a student's point of view, this is just a song talent show, and the first place is naturally treated well. Being able to debut, having resources, and good luck can still be seen by big companies, and has soared since then.

    For example, the champion of the first season, although the length is not good-looking, but there are a lot of appointments for songs. I heard that I have made a lot of money now, which is very enviable.

    For teachers, winning their own students is also an affirmation of themselves. Coming to participate in this program is more of a kind of exposure and fans.

    Most of those who come to be mentors are actually short of money, and most of them have been popular and have enough reputation.

    But because of my age, it is actually difficult to receive jobs from outsiders.

    The Huaguo entertainment industry is always so harsh about age, and this kind of talent show gives the older generation of queen queens a chance to make a comeback.

    With luck, it is not impossible to re-explode.

    Therefore, every teacher chooses students very carefully. Not only teachers choose students, students can also choose teachers. In the meantime, as long as one of the parties disagrees, they cannot cooperate.

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