Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

    The silence in the conference room was also heavy, and everyone looked at Lin Xian.

    Everyone was skeptical about Lin Xian's words. How could she buy so many shares? This is unreasonable!

    But no matter whether it is reasonable or not, it does not seem to be a joke! Shareholders are greedy, with a desire for knowledge in their eyes.

    After Zhang Shaocheng was shocked, he finally asked, "What do you mean?"

    Lin Xian raised Erlang's legs and glanced at him with a smile. He didn't extravagantly explain: "It's not good for me to say it, half a year ago, my sister and I My teacher had a dispute, and the company was affected by me, and the stocks fell and fell again. This incident should be remembered by many shareholders.”

    After hearing this, many shareholders looked disgusted and obviously remembered not. What a wonderful memory.

    Lin Xian smiled: "Not to mention the sell-off in the stock market at that time, even the shareholders of the company also sold their shares. Therefore, I have no polite income."

    Zhang Shaocheng suddenly knew when Lin Xian was talking about it. When Lin Xian returned to his hometown. 他以為公司終於可以安安穩穩的過一個暑假,誰知道, 才剛因為林嫻參加《緣來愛情在這裏》的綜藝而有所飆升的股價, 在林嫻狂揍了一頓同學的家長後, He fell like a cliff.

    At that time, people in the company were panic, and indeed many shareholders were thinking of selling their shares.

    At that time, Zhang Shaocheng had also thought about buying, but the price he bought was too low. After hanging for 5 days, he didn't buy much.

    It is not economical for Zhang Shaocheng to raise the price to buy the stock. In addition, his shares are too low to buy several million, and it is not decisive.

    Therefore, I bought a part and then gave up!

    Not long afterwards, Lin Xian came out to clarify that the online remarks followed Lin Xian's words, like grass on the wall against the wind.

    The stock price flew up and down like a roller coaster, and soon reached a new high. At that time, let alone the shareholders who sold the shares, even the stockholders also vomited blood on the forum.

    As soon as it was sold here, it went up after changing hands.

    There was a lot of loss back and forth.

    Lin Xian's entry into the crew of "Ghost Fan" gave the previously unappealing stock price a chance to soar.

    It can be said that Yijia Yijia is fairly stable in the stock market recently.

    Since then, Zhang Shaocheng has never thought about the reason why the stock price fell to the freezing point, but he could not buy. He knows that stocks are a war in the stock market, except for those stockholders who buy stocks and make purely on the price difference. Those of them who want to have a place in the company will naturally try their best to buy stocks and then fight for a greater voice in the company.

    Yes! ! !

    Zhang Shaocheng's pupils shrank, he looked at Lin Xian, and it is not only him who fights for the company's right to speak, but anyone with sufficient equity can do it.

    Lin Xian: "I don't have many shares. I bought a total of 10% of Yijia Yijia. Although I can't do much, it is still useful if I cooperate with Mr. Wen."

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