Chapter 102

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Chapter 102

    Wen Yongze did not expect that since Wen Shuo followed their husband and wife to make such a statement, in fact, such a statement had no legal significance.

    A long time ago, many people would sever the relationship because of such a momentary mood.

    However, the meaning of the statement is also very clear, just to tell the world to let the world know that they have severed the relationship between them.

    In the legal sense, the severance of blood relationship is not recognized.

    But although the statement is not recognized by the law, it is now clear, and netizens across the country have seen it.

    Even if in the future, according to the law, Wen Shuo gave him Wen Yongze a small amount of poor pensions every month, no one said anything.

    What's even more ridiculous is that he heard that Yongze would not be reduced to the point where he needed pensions.

    Wen Yongze lowered his head and smiled bitterly. For a while, the eldest son wanted to ruin the truth about the second son, and the second son’s clean determination to break with Wen’s family. The eldest brother’s son was a murderer. This incident shocked Wen Yong. Ze's heart.

    Wen Yongze didn't even know what his mood was at this time.

    Sen Yueqin is much simpler, she doesn't care about Wen Shuo's statement. However, she cares about the truth, Wen Xingchen is the murderer, and he is the murderer who killed her son.

    Whether this truth is unacceptable or not, she Sen Yueqin would not just leave it alone.

    Because of this truth, her binocular hatred almost burst out.

    She looked at Wen Shuo and asked ferociously: "Are you sure?"

    Wen Shuo laughed, his voice full of contempt: "Except for me, who can find out the truth about this?"

    Sen Yueqin: "..."

    Wen Yongze Still in a daze: "Actually, who is the biggest beneficiary and who is the most likely to be the murderer."

    He slowly raised his head to look at Wen Shuo, and said a little self-blaming: "I should have figured it out a long time ago."

    Wen Shuo asked with a smile: "Without evidence, everything is empty talk. The reason why an accident is called an accident is that it is an uncontrollable and non-human incident that happened unexpectedly. You don't know whether it was an accident or a murder, and how to find the murderer? "

    Wen Yongze also laughed, and he asked Wen Shuo: "When did you know it?"

    Wen Shuo looked at his father coldly, then got up and walked to the French windows, looking at the high-rise buildings outside the window. . His cold voice seemed to contain scum: "I never wanted to investigate, so I just learned it."

    Wen Yongze sneered: "If you have the ability to find out the truth, how can you never do it? But you never told us."

    Wen Shuo sneered: "I don't bother to conceal, nor to lie. I never check, just because I... don't need the truth."

    Only the people who are really trapped in the truth are They, and Wen Shuo never needed this truth.

    The couple were sent out by Uncle Ji, and Secretary Bridge took them away.

    Uncle Ji returned to the meeting room and looked at Wen Shuo, who was standing motionless in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Uncle Ji feels very distressed, and Wen Shuo was brought up by Uncle Ji.

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