Chapter 103

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Chapter 103

    Wen Xingchen was arrested, and this matter radiated like an explosion on the Internet.

    After all, no matter who it is, the crime of homicide can be searched hot. It is not the case that everyone is angry, or that there are celebrities in the case.

    Wen Xingchen's fame on the Internet began with Wen Yongming. The Wen family is in the land of China, and I dare not say that it is one of the best large groups. But it is definitely a big group that stomped and stomped in China.

    All netizens on are still very aware of Wen's wealth. Wen Xingchen is the rich second generation who is often photographed by reporters, and is a well-known "successful person" on the Internet.

    For example, the certain company he invested in made a profit, he was accompanied by at least three popular celebrities when he went out to play today, and the girlfriend he called was an

    internet celebrity with a million fans... Some people have also teased about the birth of a star on the Internet. That is, their life-long goals for these social animals.

    People like Wen Xingchen, who didn't need to work hard from birth, soon became idols of a group of people seeking wealthy people on the Internet.

    Wen Xingchen himself is also very addicted to this situation, and often draws a general on the Internet to give small gifts of high value.

    Not to mention, even if Wen Xingchen does not inherit the company, his fans on the Internet alone will be enough for him to eat and drink for the rest of his life as an online celebrity.

    Therefore, when Wen Xingchen was arrested for a murder, the internet exploded after being dumbfounded for a few seconds.

    The hot search about Wen Xingchen was also marked as explosive in a very short time.

    You should know that the news that Wen Shuo and Wen Jia broke off the relationship in the past two days was hung on the hot search on Weibo, which is a hot sign.

    It can be seen that the enthusiasm for smelling the stars is indeed not low. But at the same time, netizens are very puzzled.

    What do you picture?

    [You said you are an heir, what are you missing? 】

    【Probably the pursuit of excitement? 】

    【This is really exciting, I went in. 】

    [I really fucked him, I just bought the shares of Wenjia! ]

    [Fuck, brave upstairs! Two days ago, because of the severance of the documents, the trouble was not open, I sold the shares? 】

    【Shareholders go out and turn right, so, where is the murder case? ]

    Yeah? The murder case that allows Wen Xingchen to enter must not be a small one!

    So recently, are there any cases where people and gods are angry? No!

    So, who did he kill?

    Netizens are very puzzled, there are no cases recently?

    [It is not a small case that has been covered up in the past, there is only one possibility! 】

    【Old case. ]

    [FML, smell the stars now how old ah? 】

    【Don’t talk nonsense, I see him flying up and down. Today is not going to karaoke with this celebrity, or tomorrow is going to accompany that internet celebrity shopping mall to slay the Quartet. How can there be time to kill? 】

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