Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

    Although it was a simple sentence, Ruan Zeming was in a daze for a moment.

    He looked at the agent An Dong in front of him, Ruan Zeming almost suspected that he had heard him wrong.

    "What did you say?" His throat was a little dry when he asked this.

    An Dong glanced around, and saw people coming and going looking at him. He took Ruan Zeming out and said by the way, "Have you read your Weibo?"

    Ruan Zeming shook his head. He doesn't care about his Weibo very much. He wouldn't open it unless necessary. . And the entertainment circle is just a circle from beginning to end. If you don't pay attention to it, you will find it hard to even detect its existence.

    Just like Lin Xian told him, the essence of this world, people's lives still depend on: firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, and entertainment is called entertainment because he is just a seasoning agent in life.

    There were fans standing outside the airport. They were all qualified and stood outside the cordon.

    They held a banner with the words "Brother Ruan, the hot air balloon will support you."

    Ruan Zeming smiled, and the fans immediately made a sharp cry.

    They yelled: "Brother Ruan, the hot air balloon is here."

    "Brother Ruan, the hot air balloon     supports you." " Brother

    Ruan, come on!"

"We will always support you." The

    words of care are the voice of fans. And expression of love.

    But Ruan Zeming was very confused. He was just going to participate in a variety show. How could there be a battle that had just been pulled out of the fire pit.

    Ruan Zeming: "???"

    Ruan Zeming didn't understand the battle for a while. After getting in the car, An Dong showed his Weibo to Ruan Zeming.

    Then, he slowly understood what had happened in the past few days.

    In the name of love, his fans helped him pull out the "fire pit".

    "All the fans started to organize spontaneously. They won't let you and Lin Xian be a CP." An Dong said.

    Ruan Zeming looked at the comments in the comment area blankly, not knowing what to say for a while. The vicious language on Weibo and the attack on the face made Ruan Zeming feel a sense of suffocation.

    An Dong looked outside the car and said in a low voice: "Do you know how many people there are? They call the investor company of "Yuan Lai Love" and complain."

    Ruan Zeming: "Complain?"

    An Dong smiled and turned his head to look at him: "If the complaint is successful, it is impossible for you to leave. Lin Xian is the only one to leave. However, the fans are not so stupid. They know if Lin Xian is forced to leave. If the hot air balloon is over, people will be said to be overpowering people. Therefore, all of them complained that you signed an unfair contract with "Yuan Lai Love". The trouble was very serious, and many fans went to sit in front of the company."

    Ruan Zeming read the messages and asked dumbly: "Does Lin Xian know about it?"

    An Dong was taken aback, and then said: "As soon as this happened, I contacted her agent. Her agent said... …She knew it the next day."

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