Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    After leaving the company, Lin Xian stayed at home for two days, and Mr. Ling always bought a lot of things all arrived one by one. Everything from the closet and the computer to the toothbrush and toothpaste was replaced with new ones.

    This kind of high-consumption behavior caused Xiang Yin and Tian Le in the same dormitory to be jealous, but because of the lack of affection, they just watched.

    It didn't take long for Lin Xian to give her room a new look. She is not a poor person who can't afford to eat steamed buns, and she will no longer be a babysitter in the dormitory with her head down every day.

    Even if she only wears simple sportswear, she has become more beautiful, more confident, full of momentum, and full of happiness.

    Xiang Yin and Tian Le intuitively felt that Lin Xian was taken care of, just like that Xi Ying, and suddenly there was money to spend.

    He said that he looked down, but he was a little envious in his heart. No one understands that this kind of despair in the entertainment industry, who has never made it to the top, has always been unknown and treated as a transparent person is the most unacceptable for them who want to be famous.

    But I have to accept and endure this fate.

    This feeling of ill-fated, sometimes suppresses them to bow to power.


    Two days later, Yi Liming came again and knocked on the door of the dormitory.

    Lin Xian happened to be having breakfast in the dining room and opened the door smoothly.

    This time, Yi Liming was very polite. No cold eyes, no cold words.

    Lin Xian still frowned to look at him, and curled her lips: "Jiao Zhongwei and Weng Junning can't stop here, you run very diligently."

    Yiliming: "...said you are not under my hand."

    Lin Xianqi "You still have this kind of consciousness?"

    Yi Liming: "..." I don't know if there was too much trouble before. Since her temperament changed drastically on the day of the press conference, she hasn't seen her speak well again. The person who loves to block is speechless, as if others can't speak, she is happy.

    This is owing to clean up, and now someone is willing to clean up, Yi Liming is also happy to take it easy.

    Since Lin Xian was unwilling to speak well, he politely went to the sofa in the living room to do it, and then said, "You will have enough rest this time. It's time to start shooting the advertisement that I had previously arranged for you."

    Lin Xian He sat across from him and raised his

    eyebrows : "Diao Zhuo's one?" Yi Liming: "It's tea!"

    Lin Xian

    raised her lips: "You have no hands or feet?" Yi Liming was annoyed: "I'm a guest!!! "

    Lin Xian: "Your attitude is the same as your master."

    Yiliming conceded: "...Okay, I won't drink anymore. Work, you can give me a word! Go or not?"

    "Although I don't know what you are fighting." Attention?" Lin Xian said with a smile: "But I'm still willing to go."

    Yiliming quickly denied: "I didn't have any bad ideas, I am your agent, how could I harm you."

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