Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

    After hearing what Bai Youming said, Lin Xian seemed to have heard a joke.

    Lin Xian chuckled lightly, then looked down at her fingers. In fact, Lin Xian's hands are not white and tender. When she first entered the circle, her hands were rough. In the past few years, I haven't kept my hands tender.

    She had only left once, and when she came back, she had a lot more, something that is invaluable in this world.

    Among them, there is one that is nourishing.

    The price is very low, about 1 point.

    Because in a dangerous world, no tasker will waste points to exchange for this hand cream.

    But now Lin Xian can change at will, so she will soon be able to raise her own hands like a beautiful young lady.

    But even so, it can't erase how she used to crawl in the entertainment circle.

    Lin Xian was talking about the low period when Bai Youming had never been in contact. She told Bai Youming with certainty: "Of course I can contact myself. Since I entered the company, I have almost negotiated all of my work. Because , No one will give me work at all. Except for team work, I can only find personal work by myself. As for the share you mentioned, I always use the share that I said when I signed the contract with the company."

    Lin Xian is A person who was marginalized as soon as he entered the company. Not only that, the company even wants to take advantage of her various hype.

    Lin Xian can't wait for the company to work for her because she still has a mother, a younger brother, and a younger sister to raise. When you can’t get it from others, you can only make an agreement with the company to go outside and look for it bit by bit.

    "In the weather of 40 degrees, I am also a clothing factory. "Do you want to endorse?" Do you want to promote? "Always become "Do you still need models?". Miss Bai, discussing work with others, For me, it’s really not that difficult."

    Lin Xian: "Catch the plane by myself, carry the luggage by myself, find a job by myself, and work hard by myself. The Fengteng contract is not hot for me. This is what I want to say. Maybe, it may not be what you want to hear."

    Bai Youming sighed. Pursing her lips, she couldn't understand what Lin Xian said.

    Lin Xian got up, pointed to the conference room and said, "I didn't mean to you at all. Whether you succeed in fame or nothing, to me, it doesn't matter at all."

    Lin Xian didn't even look at Bai Youming too much. In the eyes, let alone how hard Bai Youming tried to win the contract, this kind of thing had nothing to do with her, Lin Xian.

    In this entertainment circle, who is not working hard?

    Lin Xian looked at the arrogant wooden door in the conference room not far away, and she asked Bai Youming, "It was just a failed contract that caused such trouble. After all, you are just relying on your own fame, right?"

    Bai Youming Hahaha laughed: "I rely on fame? Yes, even if I really rely on fame, what about? I am just more qualified than others to pursue fairness, and let the company uphold justice for me. It is my own hard work over the years. Deserved. Well-known, how about it?"     Lin Xian laughed. She tilted her head to look at Bai Youming, and asked: "Of course you can fight for fairness, but if you are so fair, then you still remember you Is it fair to grab someone else’s contract?"     Bai Youming frowned: "What do you mean?"     Lin Xian raised her head and glanced at the building. She asked Bai Youming, "What do you think of this company, Miss Bai?"     Bai Youming pursed his mouth and said nothing.     Lin Xian smiled and asked her: "Is it impossible to say it? Of course I can't say it. If this company is very good, Miss Bai will definitely praise it. Miss Bai can't say it because this company is just too good for you. Isn’t it a small temple? Does Miss Bai know how many people in this small temple are gloating at you and your contract has been cut?”     Bai Youming gritted his teeth: “In this company, offending people is common ."

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