Chapter 91

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Chapter 91

    This sudden reversal not only looked at the stupid netizens, but even looked at the capital that was stupid.

    Lin Xian has many enemies and friends in the entertainment industry, but no matter who it is, she can't describe the shock in her heart at this time.

    I still remember that last year, Lin Xian was still a person without any sense of presence on the stage.

    I still remember last year, Lin Xian ridiculed the whole network, and there were countless black fans.

    I still remember last year, Lin Xian was still an inferior star on the verge of breaking the law.

    However, from last year to this year, in just one year, Lin Xian was very different.

    *** Mr.

    Zhao sent the report to Wen Shuo's office with a complicated look, and saw Wen Shuo bow his head playing on the computer.

    Mr. Zhao is still used to this, and he is ready for the company to lose to these two scumbags.

    But today... Mr.

    Zhao hesitated for a while, and finally he said, "Today the company... the stock price rose pretty well."

    Wen Shuo was not surprised, so he didn't respond.

    Mr. Zhao is obviously accustomed to it, he sighed: "I didn't expect Lin Xian to have a foresight. Now the whole network knows that her investment projects are making a lot of money, which has driven the stock price of our company to rise."

    Wen Shuo Mr. Zhao didn't get the response he wanted, so he took a careful look at Wen Shuo, and then asked in a low voice, "Mr Wen has known this for a long time?"

    Wen Shuo raised his head to look at him with a strange look in his eyes: "Aren't you curious too? At the time of the general meeting of shareholders at that time, where did the money to buy her shares come from?” Mr.

    Zhao choked, “...I was curious about...”

    In fact, he and Mr. Wang thought that this was Wen Shuo in private. Although Wenshuo was given up by the Wen family for the money, it is not surprising that Wenshuo is the Wen family in the end. There is some money in his hand.

    In addition, Wen Shuo's obsession with Lin Xian made them think that this fool might really be able to do this kind of thing.

    Wen Shuo smiled and sighed: "People always have despair, so desperate that they feel that life is meaningless, it's better to die happy." Mr.

    Zhao's face was scornful, knowing that Wen Shuo was talking about Lin last year. When Xian was hacked by the entire network, the company not only didn't take any remedial measures, but even got into trouble.

    This kind of behavior seemed to be no problem in the past. After all, no one cared whether Lin Xian was sad at that time, because she was too small. But now, she is stronger, and when it comes to how she was bullied in the past, Mr. Zhao actually felt a guilty conscience.

    Wen Shuo asked Mr. Zhao: "In this world, there are tens of thousands of people who want to end their lives. It is not surprising. However, there are always very few people who will face death. You know. Why?" Mr.

    Zhao shook his head. He hadn't had such an experience yet, so he couldn't say that state of mind.

    Wen Shuo smiled: "Because as long as you are alive, you may be able to feel that life is getting better one day. Not only has Lin Xian gone through such a decision period, she has even passed life and death, so she is not afraid of everything. In this world, opportunities are always Leave it to those who are prepared, but this person has to have enough courage." Mr.

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