Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

    Although Tan Zongzhi didn't know about Lin Xian's strength, he also knew of people like Lin Xian, but it was often difficult to get hold of any bad thoughts.

    In history, some hackers have committed crimes in partnership, wiping away a total of 9 million U.S. dollars from banks around the world, but no suspects have been found so far.

    Regarding Lin Xianping's West Middle School, they actually don't have any evidence.

    If Lin Xian didn't want to admit anything, they would have nothing to do with her.

    Fortunately, Lin Xian admitted it herself. This saves them a lot of trouble, but why?

    Zhang Xun was puzzled, but did not ask. His silent character made him just take out a business card and put it on the table. He raised his eyes to look at Lin Xian, earnestly looking forward to his eyes. He said, "This is an invitation letter."

    Lin Xian smiled. Without refusal, she reached out and took it.

    Lin Xian's hands are beautiful, white, delicate and slender. They are the pampered hands that a female star should have: "I will go to the appointment."

    Zhang Xun frowned slightly. Is such a hand really a great hacker?

    I did everything that was supposed to be done, and there was nothing else, so the three of them got up and said goodbye.

    Tan Zongzhi and Lin Xian shook hands and said, "Thank you for your cooperation."

    Lin Xian: "As a citizen, I should."

    Tan Zongzhi: "..."

    Lin Xian sent the three to the door, and Tan Zongzhi and Fang Che had already left. Outside the door, Zhang Xun still stood at the entrance.

    He stayed for a while, and finally made up his mind, and turned back to ask Lin Xian: "Why?"

    Lin Xian tilted her head to look at him, with a puzzled expression on her face.

    Zhang Xun said: "I can't break the difficulty of the file. It is an encrypted file made by many top experts in our country. There are many institutions and self-destructing procedures. The decryption is successful in one minute. Ability has already shown your ability. Then, you should know that we don’t have any evidence to prove that the video of Pingxi Middle School was released by you.”

    Tan Zongzhi behind him also showed a surprised look after hearing this. .

    Lin Xian stood in the hallway, and the sunlight from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room passed through the hall, casting a circle of soft light behind her.

    She smiled and said something very naive.

    She said: "Because you are the police!"

    Lin Xian smiled beautifully. Zhang Xun knew that celebrities are always beautiful with their own characteristics. But Lin Xian is different, she is not gentle.

    But now the smile is full of warmth.

    Zhang Xun: "So what?"

    What happened to the police? There is another word in this world: black police.

    No matter what profession, there is no absolute good or bad. The same is true for the citizens of this country.

    Therefore, today's society advocates freedom and power, and even advocates selfishness is a kind of fairness.

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