Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

    It's not that Liang Baiyang has never seen arrogance, but he has never seen Lin Xian so arrogant.

    In many cases, things such as breach of contract are clearly illegal. But in fact, not everyone is qualified to be held accountable. If you ask others, you have to have a begging attitude.

    You are powerless, you have to have the sorrow of a small person.

    The entertainment circle is a circle with more obvious classes. The experience is where the seniors, the coffee is where the sisters, the brothers, and the powerful, powerful, rich and resourceful. In short, you have come in. You will find that everyone seems to be able to crush you.

    Lin Xian is like this, she comes from the countryside.

    Without money, power, power, and resources, she has nothing.

    Do you want her to fight with others? Liang Baiyang can laugh off his big teeth, hey, even if he Youyuan breached the contract, did you tell Lin Xian?

    Therefore, Liang Baiyang only felt naive when he heard Lin Xian's words. At a young age, when I first entered this circle, I still don't know how to write the word cruel.

    With a compassionate attitude, he watched Lin Xian warningly and asked: "My boss is the one you want to see?"

    Lin Xian also thought it was funny: "Although I came from the countryside, the society is still laughing. People from rural areas are also ridiculous. The most ridiculous thing is that they are also rural people who laugh at rural people."

    "Liang Baiyang, you were born in a small rural area and you don’t have money to study. With six younger brothers and younger sisters, you can go to college. graduation is funded by the Jinshan Lin. into the company, as well as her take the line. Do not look at this company you are superior, push forward a little, the two of us are the same. "

    Liang Bo Yang surprised a moment to listen, Where did Lin Xian know about this experience?

    "Even if you don't talk about the past, let's talk about the present. You may be admitted to a good university, graduate student, doctorate, read all the way, and become a social elite. And I dropped out of high school, worked in Beipiao, and squatted lunch at the entrance of the film and television base. You don’t look good and you don’t have much social experience. You think you are different from me? They are all part-time workers. No matter how high your position is, you are also called a wage earner."

    Liang Baiyang: "...The mouth is quite eloquent, just like Sister Jin told me, she said you are very powerful. I checked you, but said you are weak and cowardly. It can be seen that many people still don't understand you. Although you It seems to make sense, but you still don’t understand. We are different. This society is so realistic. It has been screening outstanding people, and the survival of the fittest has never stopped."     "Is it? Then we will be the same soon." Lin Xian got up, took out a document from her bag and threw it on the table: "When we stand in court, you will find that everyone is equal before the law."     Liang Bo Yang: "You want to sue me?"     Lin Xian shook her head: "nonono, I am not sue you. I am going to sue you the entire company!" Liang Baiyang     : "..." The     office was quiet for a while, Liang Baiyang Suddenly raised his head and laughed: "Hahahahaha, Lin Xian, Lin Xian, you are still too naive. Sometimes, even if you really want to sue, but...many things are not your own."     He got up from the desk and held it. The document walked to Lin Xian: "Let’s not talk about this contract. When I gave you it, I stated that hiring you was my personal behavior. You can’t sue my company. Besides, sue me and sue me. The company is not of a nature, do you know? My company has commercial cooperation with your company, you want to sue me? Don't talk about your manager, does your boss agree?"     Lin Xian squinted at Liang Baiyang, Liang Baiyang Affirming that she won, she patted her shoulder: "People are not simple. Everyone is inextricably linked, and you are just one of the threads, you can't pull the whole net."     Lin Xian reached out and touched another document in the bag. This is all the financial reports of Youyuan in recent years. It can also be said that it is the gun against Youyuan's temple.     Since she wanted to sue Youyuan, she naturally wouldn't use her small contract as a containment.     Lin Xian didn't fight a battle that had no chance of winning. She dared to come, and naturally she had a certainty of controlling the enemy. Besides, she doesn't care what trouble her behavior will cause to her company!     But... how can she let the idiot in front of her understand?

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