Chapter 113

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Chapter 113

    Wen Jiayi was hospitalized, and when Wen Shuni received the news, she was completely dazed.

    I heard that my daughter was found in the parking lot. When she was found, she was almost dead. Fortunately, it was found in time and was sent to the hospital.

    As soon as the person arrives at the hospital, he wakes up quickly. It's just that the doctor said that his hands were interrupted, although they were connected. But Wen Shuni only needs to think about how painful her daughter was at the time, and she feels uncomfortable to vomit blood.

    She quickly ran to the company's parking lot and found the surveillance, and then asked someone to adjust the surveillance video. As a result, the video that night was all snow, and nothing was seen.

    Fortunately, even if there is no video, Wen Jiayi is still alive.

    After she woke up, she told Wen Shuni the first thing that happened.

    She was still lying on the hospital bed in a plaster, and her words were unsatisfactory. She bumped and told her mother: "It's Lin Xian, she is by my car, and I will beat me when I get off the elevator. Mom, you must Want to avenge me." After

    Wen Shuni heard about this, a crowd rushed to Yijia Yijia. As a result, he didn't even enter the gate.

    So she turned around angrily and went back to ask her mother for help.

    She knew that Wen Shuo and Wen Jia had broken off. At this time, the only person who could come into the office to find Wen Shuo was the old wife of Wen Shuo.


    A few days later, a man named Xiang Jun found the company.

    Moreover, the man did not go up to find Wen Shuo, but went directly to Lin Xian's office to find Lin Xian.

    Jian Muxing looked strange when he saw the man coming out of the elevator.

    "Looking for your boss." Xiang Jun smiled, his expression terrifying. But because he looks good, even if he looks like he is now, he still has two points of romance.

    Jian Muxing asked, "You are looking for Lin? Do you have an appointment?"

    Xiang Jun laughed, "Talk to him directly about the son of the Xiang family group, she must know it."

    Jian Muxing didn't dare to ask for it, so she called Lin Xian: "Mr. Lin, someone with the surname Xiang is looking for you."

    Lin Xian looked puzzled: "Who?"

    Jian Mu Xing was taken aback: "Mr. Lin doesn't know. ? "

    Lin Xian said:" let him come in. "

    Taking advantage of apricot wood with Jane to this time are coming, Lin Xian has given way to the 4637 data and are related to both read it again.

    When Xiang Jun arrived at the office door, Lin Xian had already checked Xiang Jun, Xiang Jia and Ke Jia, and Ke Wei clearly.

    Judging from the information, Xiang Jun expressed strong dissatisfaction with Kewei's contact with Wen Shuo a few days ago.

    Xiangjia is one of the top companies in China and can be said to be quite rich.

    The main reason why the Ke family can climb significantly this year is because of Xiang Jia's blessing. It didn't take long before Ke Wei called Wen Shuo to be known to Xiang Jun.

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