Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

    Lin Xian's battle can be said to be famous.

    At that time, Zhang Xun, who took her to visit the department, really never thought of letting her participate in the war. He really just took Lin Xian around and let her get familiar with the working environment in the future.

    Then, they heard an exclamation in the office.

    Some people say that guys like the United States don’t know where to invite masters, and they like to exploit loopholes. Several people patched up the loopholes one after another and began to strengthen their defenses.

    But the other party seemed to be really good. Zhang Xun was very worried when he saw his colleagues sweating profusely.

    At this time, Lin Xian next to him suddenly said: "I hate the sneaky ones. Catch them out and have a fight."

    Zhang Xun: "Fight? How to fight?"

    Lin Xian looked at Zhang Xun and said, "I'll catch. "

    Then Lin Xian took up a colleague's computer, and for two hours, she performed a show for them, called scorpion fishing.

    Her hands seemed to have magical powers, and she sprinkled bait everywhere, creating all kinds of seemingly weak loopholes. Then she started to wait for the rabbit, and then she stayed till the scorpion.

    The scorpion who had been pestering them for two months was broken by Lin Xian for two hours.

    Even if this battle was declared over, it indicated Lin Xian's victory. Bennis on the other side still sent a question, asking: [Who are you? ]

    Xian Lin Zhang Xun lengleleng behind: "? That he was admiring the"

    Lin Xian smiled back and said to him:. "In the face of absolute power, so naturally admiring any time, are as strong Respect." When she said this, she was confident and assertive.

    Zhang Xun: "..." As a weak person, I'm sorry!

    The end of this battle allowed Lin Xian to open up absolute prestige, and it also allowed her to meet the legendary Zhang Lao early.

    Zhang, surnamed Zhang, has retired for many years and was a general in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The status in China is naturally extraordinary.

    People of this age don't know anything about computers at all. The only systematic reason that allowed him to manage this department was his patriotic heart.

    When he saw Lin Xian, he was actually a little surprised.

    Lin Xian is younger than he thought, and his age doesn't have any interest in entertainment stars.

    In his leisure time, Mr. Zhang prefers to listen to the opera in the theater, or make a pot of tea with his old friends in the tea garden.

    Lao Zhang didn't know the details of Lin Xian's affairs. It was all from the information that Wen Shuo had submitted.

    "I heard that your computer is very powerful." Lao Zhang sighed, and before Lin Xian could answer, he continued: "It is true. The United States did not know where to find a group of experts in this field half a year ago. He began to attack us with all his strength. Fortunately, the computers of the Ministry of Information are good for everyone, and they can survive."

    Zhang Lao looked at Lin Xian: "However, there are really few people who can fight back like you. Lin Xian! Do you know that this is good for you? For us, this is the first respite in the past six months. "

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