Chapter 81

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Chapter 81

    When most celebrities fail to discuss the termination of the contract, they can't avoid the path of tearing up each other with the original company.

    In history, many celebrities and companies have been victorious in wars, which has nothing to do with winning or losing the lawsuit. What a star wants is a human heart, so if you win the heart, you can continue to work.

    When Bai Youming decided to terminate the contract, she broke off contact with Yuan Ni. But even if she wants to cancel the contract, she needs an excellent reason. She also has to mix in the entertainment industry. If the termination of the contract is not good for her, she will be laughed at by fans, and she will also become a black material to be pulled out at any time in the future.

    What's more, the impact on the company in the future is by no means a good thing.

    Therefore, after Bai Youming had a conversation with the new company for half a month, she suddenly discovered that Yijia Yijia did not arrange a job for herself at all. Bai Youming is angry and happy right now, and Xue Zang is a matter of life and death for a star. As a reason for the termination of the contract, it is also excellent.

    There are not a few celebrities who have canceled their contract because of Xue Zang, and most of them have the support of fans. Bai Youming wanted to follow suit, so Bai Youming continued to dormant, and then she found that the company had never arranged work for herself.

    In Bai Youming's cognition, there are only two reasons for this situation. One is that he and Lin Xian are deadly rivals, and the other is that he quarreled at the shareholders meeting last time.

    Therefore, the company decided to hide itself.

    Even during this period, the company has already begun to praise Kang Bing. Programs such as "Hua Guoyin Hope" allow Kang Bing to participate as a student. Lin Xian even, being a mentor personally, with a stigma behind her back, she also tried her best to keep Kang Bing into the finals.

    She knows why Lin Xian is a mentor. Because of the popularity of the first season of "Hua Guoyin Hope", the second season has capital participation. Bai Youming knows that once the show goes viral, fairness will become a luxury.

    If just relying on Kang Bing's ability to win the championship with someone who is guaranteed to win, Kang Bing will even be wiped out soon.

    For example, during the audition, there were several students who had very strong musical abilities but had their bones brushed off.

    Those students Lin Xian all turned around, but she always had only one chance to explode.

    But none of this has anything to do with her Bai Youming. She was even more angry about the company's unfeeling, but she was thankful that the company had given herself such a good reason to terminate the contract.

    The company refused to give resources, and Bai Youming refused to bow his head to ask for it. This caused Yuan Ni's anxious hair to fall out. After a while, she called Bai Youming and asked her to lower her head to the company.

    "Now the company is in Lin Xian's hands, even if you think it's incredible, but it's a fact. Is it so difficult to apologize to her?" Yuan Ni doesn't understand, is it so difficult to do this business?

    Bai Youming smiled and said to Yuan Ni: "I'm right, why should I apologize? Was it what I asked for? Wasn't the company chosen after weighing the pros and cons? Now she said to throw away and throw away, Sister Yuan, I am a human being. "     Yuan Ni was silent for a while, and then said: "Worry! In the entertainment industry, no one can do everything smoothly. You see, Lin Xian thinks she is a villain now? But she also got up in the mud. You see. Fu Han, right? It is said that his first TV was popular, but he couldn't receive the script for two years."     Although Bai Youming has been in the circle for many years, his understanding of these matters is still superficial.     "Worry Ming! I think Lin Xian is not that kind of person. Go and lower your head. She is holding all the resources of the company now. If you want to go down, can you still lower your head?"     Bai Youming: "Sister Yuan , You leave me alone. The next road, I should go by myself."     She hung up the phone and looked at the starry sky outside, Bai Youming sneered and said, "I don't believe it, the entertainment industry can still belong to Lin Xian. The world."     Later I heard that Zhao Xiaoshu had also received good resources, but Bai Youming still had no job.     A month later, Bai Youming felt that the time was right. Only then began to post that Weibo on the Internet. In fact, her initial plan was very simple.     First vote for yourself on Weibo, and then let people slowly reveal the news, indicating that you are being hidden by the snow.

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