Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    In Wen Shuo's view, Lin Xian is a beautiful girl. But this is not the key to attracting his attention, but the familiar feeling and throbbing without a source.

    Although this was his second meeting with Lin Xian, his tolerance for Lin Xian had already surprised himself when they met for the first time.

    This is abnormal. He understands his cold heart, but Lin Xian does not.

    Therefore, after seeing her for the first time, he deliberately called up the company's information to check her deeds.

    Lin Xian is completely different from the material, but Wen Shuo thinks it should be.

    It was as if his temperament changed drastically overnight after the car accident. It doesn't seem surprising that Lin Xian has become like this after experiencing those things.

    Her experience was not good, and the company's information about her was not exhaustive, so she sent someone to check her life.

    A life that does not overlap with yourself is a parallel line that cannot intersect.

    Lin Xian's life is very bitter and very pitiful. Wen Shuo flipped through her files several times, feeling a little pain in her heart.

    Pity? Wen Shuo found it ridiculous.

    In his own life, he has no right to pity others.

    Besides, as the boss of Yijia Yijia, what the company did to Lin Xian was to maximize the benefits. This is what he should understand.

    But when he said that he understood it, he couldn't help feeling that the company was not authentic. A little girl's family, unexpectedly forced people to such a situation.

    If it's him... if it's him... maybe, he can protect her.

    He turned his head to look at Lin Xian, this profile seemed familiar, Wen Shuo thought hard, but he could only think of the majestic rain and the lightning and thunder in the sky.

    Lin Xian got up and stood aside. Seeing Wen Shuo staring at herself, she also looked down at Wen Shuo, and finally smiled and asked, "What's the matter?"

    At that moment, suddenly a picture broke in. In the heavy rain, the woman with her back facing the thunder light couldn't see her face clearly and couldn't hear her words truly.

    Wen Shuo suddenly felt a headache. He pressed his hand and said: "It's okay." In

    his mind, there seemed to be a female voice saying: "Live."

    Lin Xian frowned, "Are you having a headache?"

    Wen Shuo shook his head: " It's okay."

    "This box of medicine is for you." Lin Xian said, taking another box of medicine from her pocket and handing it over: " can eat it."

    Wen Shuo: "..." The

    medicine is strange enough. , It’s even more unusual to give painkillers, the most unusual thing is that she gave it twice.

    Wen Shuo never took painkillers. This pain was enough for him to endure the past, but he still reached out and took the medicine and put it into his jacket pocket.

    Then he looked directly at the elevator door in front of him with a grim face, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised. Perhaps, he did come here specifically for her, but that is not necessarily true.

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