Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

    Because of Lin Xian's unrelenting, the atmosphere on the court was a little serious for a while, and Lin Xian was more sleek than they thought.

    The head teacher's face was so hard to see that it was almost blank. Although it was the first time that Lin Xian got along with the head teacher, he still noticed it. The head teacher is not so much aimed at Lin Fei as it is... at himself.

    Lin Fei's head teacher is probably at 56 and 7, named Zhao Linde. Because of the obesity, the flesh on both sides of the cheek was shaking with anger.

    Her eyes narrowed slightly, and her black clothes were tightly wrapped around her body.

    After a while, I found my voice: "Ms. Lin, I am a teacher. I know things in school better than you as parents."

    Lin Xian: "Then teacher, I have to tell you too, I It's Lin Fei's sister. I know what kind of person she is better than you."

    Zhao Linde smiled angrily, "I am? What kind of person am I?"

    Lin Xian smiled, and she got up and walked over. Next to the teacher, he knocked on the desktop in front of Zhao Linde and asked: "What kind of person does the teacher think I am?"

    After hearing this, Zhao Linde's mouth was instantly pressed and stopped speaking.

    Yes, Lin Fei is a gentle person, but Lin Fei is a person who protects his shortcomings better than Lin Xian.

    However, in this family, Lin Xian herself is probably the only object that can be attacked by classmates from the school. After all, the matter of defrauding donations before, Weizhen has already violated the criminal law.

    If the school classmates say something bad, it is probably because of these things.

    In the same way, Zhao Linde's opinion of Lin Xian was probably because of these things.

    Lin Xian has always known that there are always a few old stubborn stubborns in this world.

    Just like the poor and sour talents in ancient times directing wars, they don't have the ability to fart, but they talk a lot.

    Zhao Linde is probably such a person. She doesn't like Lin Xian's actions, so she also looks down on Lin Fei.

    "I didn't despise you. The person who despised yourself is yourself." Of course, Zhao Linde would not admit her prejudice, but said this very deeply and heartily for Lin Xian.

    Lin Xian fixedly looked at Zhao Linde for a while, and then asked: "Then teacher, do you think too much of yourself?"

    Zhao Linde instantly became serious and asked, "Why do you say that?"

    Lin Xian glanced at her, then looked at her again. The two parents behind him then sneered: "Who gives you the courage to call my sister, and you will interrogate?"

    Zhao Linde frowned, "It's not an interrogation."

    Lin Xian leaned close to her, looking like a torch, "That's you when you are yourself." Is it the judge? You don’t need to interrogate, just conviction?”

    Zhao Linde: “I saw her hit someone with my own eyes!”

    Lin Xian: “So what? Do you remember that you are a teacher?”

    Zhao Linde seemed to be provoked by Lin Xian at last Impatience, the voice louder: "I need you to teach?"

    Lin Xian: "I don't know how to teach people, I am selfish, so I can't do such a great job as a teacher in my life. If you can't throw Prejudice, don’t insult this profession."

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