Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

    4637 failed to sell things, and had to withdraw dyingly.

    When Lin Xian finished filming today's scene, a new cp "Bamboo Forest" has been developed online.

    There are few CPs in the bamboo forest, and among the many CPs, it can only be regarded as a minority. What's more, there is a wise cp in front of him. Although they are sad, they can't stand the growth of others.

    Because of a little video, Xi Zifan and Lin Xian became more ambiguous online.

    In reality, this made Mat Fan a little uncomfortable. But seeing Lin Xian's natural and generous appearance, he slowly let go of the cp thing, and devoted himself to the shooting.


    the edge of the cliff, the wind is a bit strong, Kong Ling wears a fiery red brocade dress with a light red veil on the outside.

    The skirt horns rolled in the wind, and the tigers were alive and well.

    She glanced at the enemy she was chasing, got up and flew to the nearest tree.

    Although she is the youngest and most favored sister in the school, she has never been lazy in practice. The skill was fairly deep, and after flying to the tree, he stood steadily, and then he was ready to use the magic weapon to escape.

    Who knows, someone hides behind a tree from the beginning.

    Seeing Kong Ling coming, he stepped on Feijian.

    Kong Ling's eyes condensed, only a few lights in front of him came, because he couldn't dodge, he fell to the edge of the cliff...


    Lin Xian bit the blood bag in her mouth, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

    She stared angrily at the person who rushed to the opposite side, and sneered: "Famous and decent? How many of you are helped by my father and mother? You have the face to come here..."

    Her voice was stern and deep. Hatred and despair.

    She coughed up some blood again, her eyes were reddish, and the sand under her hands was tightly grasped by her.

    "Destroy my whole family and slaughter my whole clan. This hatred is not shared. I, Kong Ling, swear here that you will return it a hundred times and a thousand times."

    Opposite the leader is an old opera bone, 6 or 70 years old. Immerse yourself in the role at this time. His sullen expression and evil eyes all showed how cold the character he was playing at this time, but after hearing this, he rarely smiled gently.

    As if he had become Kong Ling's good uncle again, his voice was gentle, but his words were very cruel: "Vengeance? Do you think I will let you survive?"

    This is like a big joke, the whole house is gone. Why does he leave a little girl behind?

    On the ground, Lin Xian's body trembled slightly, and she lowered her head in pain, as if desperate because of this. But after a while, she suddenly laughed wildly: "Kill me? Let me see if you can kill me?"

    The people on the other side looked at each other after hearing this. What's the hard way to kill her a little girl? What can't it? As a result, everyone lifted their swords to stab her.

    Lin Xian on the ground looked at the group of people, smiled coldly, then rolled back and fell directly into the cliff behind him.

    This cliff is the most terrifying magic cave in legends. Once, she forced her love into the cliff here. Today, she was destroyed by people and forced into the cliff.

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