Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

    Lin Xian is indeed not prepared to agree, nor is he prepared to fire this cp.

    Nowadays, the dividend of cp speculation is indeed high, and the profit is also more. If there was such an opportunity before Lin Xian left the world, she would agree.

    Her living environment gave her no choice, but not now.

    She has a lot of wealth, she has broad prospects, and she wants to live a leisurely life in the place she once dreamed of, so she will not wrong herself.

    money? She is not lacking. name? She doesn't need it.

    As Ruan Zeming expected, Lin Xian found the director team shortly after he left.

    At this time, they are organizing there and preparing to start recording.

    Seeing Lin Xian coming, director Zhao Kun's eyelids twitched, thinking of Wang Chengjun's explanation, he greeted him with a smile: "Lin Xian! Hello, when we first met, I am Zhao Kun."

    Lin Xian also smiled: "Director Zhao may have forgotten Now, it’s not the first time we met."

    Zhao Kun sighed, then reacted and said: "Yes, yes, you also came twice during the girl group on the 7th."

    Lin Xian hummed directly. Turning to the topic: "Maybe I am passionate, but I just met Mr. Ruan Zeming. Then I will say first, Ruan Zeming and I can no longer cooperate, he has his CP."

    Zhao Kun can’t understand, this circle doesn’t. If you don't want to get angry, why are you in the circle if you don't want to get angry? Therefore, persuade: "Xianming is so hot now, don't you take this opportunity to work hard?" The heat has gone down, and there is no place to cry.

    Lin Xian ironically: "How do you work hard to be a junior?" This week Xianming is hot, what about next week? The cp will be changed next week, maybe the new cp will be more popular? Knock cp this kind of thing, even if it is later, fire is the kingly way, when encountering a better cp, the previous one becomes superfluous.

    Not to mention, there will be a new CP on the market soon, Lin Xian and Ruan Zeming are entangled at this time, and it is very likely that she will be scolded by Xiaosan in a week.

    Zhao Kun persuaded: "He and Su Qi's CP is not real."

    Lin Xian was shocked: "Do you think my CP with him is real?"

    Zhao Kun had a toothache: ""

    Lin Xian was determined. Zhao Kun's response was also vague. Whether to fry or not to fry cp is an explanation from the above, and it is useless to refuse! However, the parties refused, which is really difficult to handle.

    Soon, the show started recording.

    As a special guest, Lin Xian was not the first to take the stage. After a lot of introductions on the stage, Lin Xian came to the backstage under the leadership of the scene.

    "This is a moment we opened the door, you go from here, both sides will have a dry ice smoke."

    Lin Xian smiled:. "I'm not the first time."

    That works ignorant follows: "Really?"

    Lin Xian nodded, it was indeed not the first time for her. I came here once when the Seventh Day Girls Group was in a group. At that time, they were still a bit famous, and they were one of the main characters in that recording. However, Lin Xian had the least sense of existence among the seven people. He could not say that he could not dance, so he could see with a face.

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