Chapter 99

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Chapter 99

    Wen Yongming was choked by Lin Xian for a long time, but in the end he couldn't find the stubbornness.

    On the other side, Mrs. Wen had already understood through Wen Yongming's two short sentences that today's banquet was for Wen Shuo.

    Although I don't understand what it is, what I want to let Wen Yongming personally take care of must have something to do with Wen's family.

    But because she didn’t understand anything, and the old lady Wen didn’t like to talk about work at the dinner table, she glanced at Wen Yongming and said, “Since the family is eating together, it’s delicious! My old lady not survive many years, most are those who can not see Causing loss of lives. "

    Wen Yong Ming smiled and looked at his mother and said:"! mom, eat son to know. "

    enjoyable for the family dined, they A waiter stepped forward to remove the leftovers. After eating a bunch of desserts and tea, the younger generations also know how to pass through the arch in the room to the amusement hall next door. It is a recreational hall dedicated to karaoke, billiards, game consoles, massage chairs, etc.

    It is connected to this restaurant. At this time, the family cuddled the old lady to the next door.

    Sen Yueqin had the opportunity to step forward to block Wen Shuo and block him in the restaurant.

    Then he asked him: "How dare you come back?" It seemed that Wen Shuo's return was an incredible thing.

    Wen Shuo smiled and said provocatively: "The legs are better, so I came back." These

    words pierced Sen Yueqin even more. She immediately blushed. The death of her eldest son was the most painful thorn in her heart.

    Her first child, the child raised with one hand, the most intelligent child. At the time of death, even the body was incomplete.

    Sen Yueqin always thought of the despair when she walked into the morgue and saw the corpse. When the forensic doctor said that Wen Yi was dead, she held a piece of jade pendant in her hand.

    And that jade pendant was brought to Wenshuo by Sen Yueqin when Wenshuo was sent to the countryside. Then in a car accident, why did Wen Yi hold Wenshuo's jade pendant?

    Sen Yueqin's sorrow suddenly has a position to shift, and she needs to find a murderer for the death of her elder son.

    In this car accident, Wen Yi was the one who drove, and no one was still holding something while driving. Unless, there was a dispute in the process.

    Moreover, Wen Yi is in the driving position, and human instinctive reaction will avoid danger.

    On the spot, Wen Yi's instinctive reaction was indeed the same. It stands to reason that Wen Shuo should be the one who suffered the most injuries when such a big car crashed.

    But everything cannot be said logically, because the reality is that Wen Shuo was only slightly injured, and Wen Yi was dead.

    This doesn't make sense, because it doesn't make sense, so naturally there are doubts. But Sen Yueqin believes that this is an unusual car accident. Although there is no iron proof, Ke Sen Yueqin still believes that Wen Shuo is definitely not innocent.

    Because of such self-confidence, she can even question at this time: "Wen Yi's death has been so many years, do you still deny that it has something to do with you?"

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