Chapter 116

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Chapter 116

    Xiang Jun and Kewei’s wedding took place in October. Even if Kewei was unwilling, the wedding had no power to decide.

    The two companies are now working on a project that is about the survival of the two companies. The project that was done as a partnership with in-laws, naturally cannot be disbanded because of the quarrel between the two children.

    On the wedding day, Ke Wei was wearing a strapless white wedding dress, standing at the window sad.

    Su Qi persuaded her: "In fact, Xiang Jun is also quite good, looks good, and his family has money and rights. The project that your family and Xiang's family are at the Chengxi Airport now is both prosperous and prosperous."

    Kewei sighed. Tone: "What's so good? Fortunately, does he go outside to spend a lot of time? Fortunately, he only has a good-looking skin? Or is it that he and I are as respectful as friends now? In the 21st century, I still want to marry the family. This kind of thing, say Going out, I just laughed off people's teeth."

    But no matter how much she said, she couldn't get away with this wedding. Thinking of this, she reluctantly wanted to cry. The words of the father and brother were like "you enjoy everything in the Ke family, and you have to bear the responsibility." Kewei can't bear the poor. If you don't want to leave the Ke family, you can only marry into the Xiang family.

    Looking at the beautiful scenery in the distance, the lively laughter at the wedding came from the garden downstairs, which made Kewei even more uncomfortable.

    The sad eyes were withdrawn from the mountains in the distance. She looked down at the lively crowd below. There was an unreality of separation of people from the world. At this moment, a Rolls Royce stopped at the door. A man opened the door of the cab and came down. He was wearing a black suit. He had a handsome face and a cool temperament. It was not Wen Shuo or who it was.

    Ke Wei's eyes dazzled, and her heart fluctuates a little.

    As a result, after Wen Shuo got out of the car, he immediately turned around and opened the door to the back seat. Only a woman wearing a red dress got out of the car.

    Ke Wei and Su Qi's gazes were at the same time, the woman's figure was bulging and warped, and her slender waist seemed to be held by both hands.

    Her stunning facial features and confident smile are exactly Lin Xian.

    This is the first time that Lin Xian has worn such a dress since he came back from the fast-wearing world. The figure usually under large sportswear or white body is also perfectly wrapped by the dress at this time.

    Her hair was all rolled up, and her face softened a lot.

    Wen Shuo smiled and took her hand, leading her to the scene.

    Xiang Jun was already waiting at the door, seeing Wen Shuo coming, he was happier than anyone else. He greeted him with a smile, flattering.

    Kewei: "..."

    Su Qi stayed for a while before saying: "I look at your husband... very happy."

    Kewei took a deep breath, then took out her mobile phone and called Xiang Jun.

    Xiang Jun led Wen Shuo in downstairs, and answered the phone impatiently.

    "Are you damn brain sick?" Ke Wei almost wanted to vomit blood: "Who the hell would invite an ex-boyfriend to get married?"

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