Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

    Yiliming had to admit the fact that from the day of the press conference, Lin Xian not only changed, but she actually stepped on this regiment.

    Once, the breakup was to separate from Lin Xian. Now, it's because Lin Xian wants to break up the group.

    Although the same thing and the same result are so difficult to accept and have to accept.

    Yiliming snorted as if to admit defeat: "Lin Xian, I don't know who is behind you. But you won't always be so proud. This time I lost, but you won't always win."

    Lin Xian With a chuckle: "You must be happy in life, don't make the

    golden bottle empty to the moon. In a word, I am happy." Yiliming laughed and said, "Yes, I have nothing to say."

    Lin Xian: "I also give it. You said, "Dogs see people

    inferiorly , so you have to be a dog first!" Yiliming: "..." After

    being hung up by Lin Xian, Yiliming could only poop unlucky, and then immersed in the ocean of failure, silently cry.


    Before the farewell party of the Seven-Day Girls Group, Lin Xian went back to the love lodge to take luggage.

    Because it was the last week of the recording of the Love House, a few people except Wenshuo have rushed back from all over the past few days.

    According to the script, we should say goodbye in the love hut on this day and prepare for the final day of confession.

    Lin Xian CP is not there, so there is no need to find a beautiful spot to confess like them. But she also obeyed the contract obediently, and stayed this last night to watch the third episode of "Love Is Here" with everyone.

    The recording of Ruan Zeming and Su Qi did not go well, and the two of them returned back unhappily.

    At this time, many people have already found a good place to sit. Ruan Zeming could only find a place, sitting far away from Lin Xian.

    On TV, the show is the last commercial before it starts. Lin Xian watched the TV blankly, not paying attention to her surroundings, and naturally she did not see Ruan Zeming's gaze.

    When they got together on the last night, the two were doomed to be speechless. After tomorrow, you will have to work while preparing surprises for the same busy partner. There will probably be no more gatherings of all members like this.

    After Shi Fei got down from the stairs, she sat next to Lin Xian, and Xuan Wu could only sit with him.

    The commercial ends and the show officially begins.

    After waiting for the music at the beginning, the first act is the back view of Lin Xian and Ruan Zeming sitting on the sofa. It was recorded by the cameraman in close-up, so the picture is pretty good.

    At this moment, Ruan Zeming on the screen looked at Lin Xian with a low smile, not knowing what he was talking about. Lin Xian crossed her legs, sucking milk and listening to him.

    Then, she raised her hand and gently threw the empty milk bottle in her hand, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and dropped it precisely into the trash can in the corner.

    She turned her head to look at Ruan Zeming, and smiled back.

    At this point, the screen suddenly went black. It is naturally impossible for the director to put scenes of crusades on the Internet here, but he also did such a simple treatment. But the audience in front of the screen understands the meaning of this black screen.

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