Chapter 86

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Chapter 86

    This matter, in fact, is really serious, or it should be quite serious.

    Mr. Zhao is anxious! When this happened last night, he stayed up all night without talking. He couldn't even eat food in the morning, so he squatted at the door of the company and waited for someone.

    After finally waiting, these two bigwigs are still very calm. Talking and laughing, even, the two of them really went to have a hot pot meal.

    Mr. Zhao was frustrated in the company alone. Can't you deal with this kind of crisis?

    Going to eat hot pot? What day can't you eat hot pot?

    But people don't care about this matter at all.

    After eating, the two of them came back talking and laughing. Because of this, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Wang almost committed the crime.

    Fortunately, I finally figured it out. After all, this is just a meal, no need, no need.

    Mr. Zhao and Mr. Wang didn't want to take care of this anymore. They wanted to see how Lin Xian and Wen Shuo should deal with the anger of Chun Hao and Kai Dao.


    Speaking of Chun Hao after the incident, Wen Shuo's response was really pissed off Chun Hao's president Fei Xingyi.

    Chunhao is a family business and has been passed down to Fei Xingyi's generation for several years.

    Fei Xingyi has just taken over the company not long before he has not exercised his handling of matters.

    In fact, it is not as mellow as Kaidao's dragon, and his temper has not been controlled.

    When he heard that the plan to invest a lot of money this year was ruined, he directly smashed his cell phone angrily.

    Since he took over Chunhao, he hasn't felt this kind of anger.

    Although, Mr. Sun, the person in charge of the show, contacted him later, saying that Lin Xian was backed by the mayor.

    But to put it hard, he is one of the major taxpayers in this city. When the former mayor speaks to him, he will give a little bit of face.

    From what he knew, it was impossible for Lin Xian and the new mayor to have any contact. At the most, it is the friendship that drank from the wine table. I believe the mayor will not act on them, who are big taxpayers, for Lin Xian.

    After all, they are all grown-ups, and they still know which one is more serious.

    Therefore, Fei Xingyi is ready to take revenge. How can he not take revenge?

    Regardless of how much money Chun Hao invested in this show, the people who were trained are now the first suspects of netizens because of Lin Xian's words. How much difficulty has been added to the future development?

    This matter of Lin Xian simply trampled Chun Hao on their feet and stomped on both feet desperately.

    Fei Xingyi called Yijia Yijia's president's office about this matter. Yijia Yijia was originally a small brother in front of him.

    Therefore, as soon as the call was connected, Fei Xingyi was not polite. Ask Wen Shuo directly: "Do you know what your company's CEO did?" The

    other side was quite happy: "What did you do?"

    Fei Xingyi: "She got into trouble." The

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