Chapter 118

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Chapter 118

    If there is a female star dominating the entertainment circle every year, then this year can be said to be the year of Lin Xian.

    On the first day of the new year, Lin Xian's name resounded all over the Internet.

    On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, illicit materials on the Internet are everywhere.

    On the eighth day of the new year, Lin Xian's various identities broke out, and the endless stream of industry boss identities shocked a lot of netizens.

    After that, the reputation of "Ghost Fan" was established, and the box office officially entered the top 20 chasing ranks.

    Every day, the box office of "Ghost Fan" will go up wildly, which is regarded as the highest-grossing movie in Li Wenqiang's hands.

    An interview with Li Wenqiang was posted on the Internet. The reporter asked him: "Why did Lin Xian be used at the time?"

    Li Wenqiang smiled and said, "The current results are enough to explain everything."

    After reading it, the netizens were very moved. Lin Xian's achievement lies not only in her successful career, but also in the acting skills she has shown before others.

    She is the worst one in the entertainment industry ever to be hacked. According to everyone's words, she can't find a black spot now, not because she can't afford it.

    It's been dark once!

    With such an experience, how did she manage to set up a single-minded charity organization?

    Netizens don't understand, but some people say that maybe Lin Xian's mentality is the same as in the movie.

    When the movie's protagonist Kong Ling stood at the top and held a sharp sword in his hand, he also wanted to destroy the world.

    The people she had helped bring about enemies that would be deadly to her. Even in the countryside she rescued, some people stood at the forefront to testify that she was murderous.

    Kong Ling is a person who has been favored since he was a child, but has experienced all the darkness when he grows up.

    Under the same experience, the hero could not understand her choice.

    Holding Kong Ling who was about to dissipate, the male lead asked her, "Why?"

    Kong Ling smiled and said: "The people who came out to testify in that village are really damning. But then I saw that more than 200 people in the village who wanted to prevent these people from coming to testify were killed."

    She was scarred, but still He spit out a mouthful of blood and said contentedly: "It's not that the world is grateful, but there are always one or two wicked people."

    "Dying, I suddenly want to pass these ungrateful people and see those who know the gratitude for me desperately. After all, if I didn't even know that they had worked hard for me, no one would know about their death. "The

    world is not beautiful, and it's not too bad.

    Kong Ling saw it at the last moment, she was not unhelpful, but the helper was defeated on the way.

    She received not only malice, but also gratitude for her willingness to work hard for it.

    That's enough!

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