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Jai's pov:
Ok I'm starting to think that this girl is crazy cause I'm being serious and she's probably screaming on the inside cause of how close we are I can tell cause of body language,But Tbh she is kinda hot. "Are we just gonna stare at each other or are you gonna tell me what you want?" she said breaking me from my thoughts. But aye,A guys gotta think. *Ahem* I coughed to break the silence. "YA sorry um what happened to my eyes,like how did my eyes change?" I said calmly cause I know how harsh I've been sounding.

"Oh my god,I didn't see anything,now why are you so scared if I saw something change in your eyes?"
"No-nothing" I said trying to ignore the question by leaving. But she caught my arm and said "No you're gonna tell me cause first,you made me late for class,I'm gonna have detention cause of all the other tardies, and cause you practically kidnapped me,on school property"
Ya she's officially crazy how the hell did I kidnap her she walked with me and didn't hold herself back,if she did I would've talked to her after school.
"Now your the one kidnapping me cause I don't wanna be here anymore" I said walking away.

She ran after me and started begging me to tell her. "Please"
''Pleasee" she begged
"please,come on I won't say anything you can trust me,even though we just met" "NO OK I CAN'T TELL YOU!"
I have to admit something:I sorta have short temper if you hang around my brother Luke you start to be like him.

When I yelled she looked scared and like she was about to cry so I have to be nice from now on. Great. "Listen I'm sorry" I said getting closer to her to see if she's gonna cry.
"Are you gonna cry,please don't cry." Ya she was gonna cry.
"h-how do you n-not expect me to c-cry?" She said covering her face while crying.
"I'm sorry I didn't know your that sensitive."
"I-Im not,you were re-really loud." I went up to her and hugged her.
"Listen I'm sorry I made you cry." I grabbed her chin (gently) so she can look at me. When she looked at me i honestly did feel bad. I moved her hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. Then hugged her again just to make sure she's ok and this time she hugged me back. So she's clearly not ok yet.

I put my arm around her shoulders and started walking back inside school till she was ok. Yes yes I know what you're saying 'aww Jai your so nice.' But I'm only nice when I want to. She started to sniffle so I think she feels beter.
''Are you feeling better now?" I asked while rubbing the side of her arm.

Lilly's pov:
"Are you feeling better now?" He asked while rubbing the side of my shoulder.
"Ya Haha" I laughed in embarrassment cause he just saw me cry and it's very rare thing to see me cry in front of a guy or because a guy. "Do you want me to walk you to class or will you be alright?"
"Ya I'm alright wait but aren't you in my class?" She sniffled "Ya but class is half way through what would I do,walk in,sit and leave?"
"So your ditching?"
"uhh Ya." He said stating the obvious. "Well can I ditch with you I'm not really a fan of math''
"Ummm ok fine but if your gonna be a pain in the ass I'm gonna leave you here all alone." He chuckled
"Haha luckily I know my way around school." I laughed sarcastically
''Not where we're going. Come here" He grabbed my hand started running towards the schools garden.

Seriously I thought to myself,everyone knows where this place is. I just stayed quite till I saw where we were going. "We're here" he said looking proud
"Wow,how did you find this place I said shocked and wide eyed. "Let's just say if you skip class from day one you tend to find things, and this is one of them" (picture on the side). ''Wait so do you go inside there or you just hang out over here". "I go inside but it's really not that scary inside"
"Then let's go in!" I squealed "No no we can't go in there now"
''Then why did you bring me here?"
"I bet you there's people that always go inside with you" "No actually only me my brothers and 2 close friends"

Demon [Jai Brooks]Where stories live. Discover now