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Jai's pov:
When I noticed that James was starting to think she's cute and get all shy and shit I tried to get everything over with cause I don't want any of them getting all lovey dovey I get disgusted.

Right before we walked out they now wanted to hug her like chill the fuck out she's not that special.

I noticed that when James hugged her he whispered something in her ear she said ok,

I grabbed her waist and said "come on we're gonna be late" then we got out of that place. I'll admit I was a bit pissed off cause I was jealous but I'll ignore it.

"W-why are you so mad?" "Nothing I'm just not in the mood for talking" I said obviously lying. "Well why aren't you in the mood for talking then" she said getting on my nerves. "I just don't feel like it" "JAI!" "What!" "Are you gonna tell me now?" "NO, ok now com on before I leave you again."

She then. Held on too my hand and whispered "please don't,not again" I looked at her in confusion. "Why are you so scared of this place?" I asked while walking hand in hand with her.

"It's just that I-i keep hearing things....I swear if you say I'm paranoid I'll slap you and never speak to you ever again." She said while pointing her finger at my chest.

"Umm..ya I don't think your paranoid,I believe you but I can't tell you what it is." We were already at the schools door hand in hand.

I looked at her hand and coughed.
"Oh sorry I forgot" she said blushing. "It's ok,now I gotta go I can't be late for lunch" as I was walking away I heard her laugh. And all of a sudden I blanked out.

Demon Jai's pov:
When Jai heard her laugh he noticed that she was cute and not the oh that was cute,no the oh that was cute,as in I like you cute.

So I had no choice but to enter him cause i can't let this happen again cause if it does he'll have his heart broken like the last girl.

And I care cause he almost killed himself and me being the demon I am saved him and entered his body.

Ever since that day he made me promise not to let him fall in love with another girl cause that will lead to heart breaks.

Instead of going to lunch I made his body turn around and walk out but before I did that I made sure he bumped into Lilly's shoulder.

She was talking to her friend Rachel and some other friends when I did that. She caught his arm and said "what's wrong Jai, I looked at her with my black eyes and snatched my hand away.

She looked like she was gonna shit bricks if I even said anything. I went to the abandoned cabin at the back of the school.

Lilly's pov:
I was talking to my best friend Rachel and some other friends when I interrupted by Jai bumping into my shoulder.

I thought he was going to lunch what's he doing here. He looks mad. "What's wrong Jai" I caught his forearm to stop him but he looked at me and his eyes were... different.... they were Black.

He snatched his arm away and kept walking. I wanted to follow him but Rachel and everyone were asking me if I knew him and if I was ok.

I just grabbed Rachel's arm and ran out to go to the abandoned cabin cause i don't care what the reason is I won't go alone even during daylight.

Rachel's pov:
I was about to ask Lilly if she knew who that guy was but she pulled me towards the way he was going so I didn't say anything.

We kept running till we stopped in front of an abandoned Cabin.

"Umm Lilly what is this place I don't think we should be here. "no I wanna know what's wrong with him,now do you wanna come in or stay out here."

"I'll go in" I said quickly. She walked in and I saw a hot guy and Lilly's brother sitting on the couch talking and drinking RedBull.

"Daniel where's Jai" she said out of breath. He looked at her with wide eyes and said "uhh I don't know?" Wow he sucks at lying.

"Is he upstairs?" He didn't say anything so she took it as a yes. And went but before she did she told me to stay with them.

"Oh hey Rachel I haven't seen you in forever" Daniel said in a hurly voice and hugged me. "Heyy us sorry I've been busy with school work and I have a job know so I don't even have that much free time.

"Ohh. Aye did I introduce you to my friend Luke yet?" "Uh no not yet" god this is so awkward.

"Well this is Luke my best friend, Luke this is Lilly's best friend Rachel." We shook each other's hands and Luke offered me some RedBull.

Basics I'm sitting between two guys one in attractive and weird and one that is smexy hot and u think I'm blushing.

"Uh do you know what Lilly is doing upstairs" "uh no but I wouldn't go in if i were you,just wait for her" I nodded and went back to watching TV.

Lilly's pov:
When I hit upstairs I heard James and Beau telling Jai to calm down.

"Umm guys can I talk to him" I asked looking as innocent as I could. "Uh ok but don't take long. "K I won't"

"Jai..." He was looking outside a small window with his fist clenched.

"Jai can you please tell me what's wrong..can i help you with anything?" I was walking closer to him every time I talked. Till I finally was next to him.

I put my hand on his shoulder since his back was facing me. he tensed up a little. "Jai can I ask you a question". "What" he said straight up.

"Umm w-why did your eyes turn uh.. you now... black." "They didn't turn black your just seeing things"

"No im not I saw them....ok fine ignore that. Then why did you bump into my shoulder on purpose"

"Cause you were in my way"
"Seriously that's why I could've fell that's how hard you "bumped" into me". "Well next time you should watch where your standing!" why is he being like this. "JAI" he didn't say anything "JAI LOOK AT ME" by this time I was crying and I don't even know why. Probably cause I hage when others hate me.

He still didn't say anything. "Jai look at me please" I pulled his hand so he can look at me but he only looked down. "Wow you can barely look at me, ok don't look at me then just answer me."

"Did I do something so you can hate me" "leave" did he just kick me out of an abandoned cabin that he doesn't even own. "What" "you fucking heard me now LEAVE!"

I got out crying and James ran after me probably worried. "Lilly... Lilly what happened over there and why are you crying"

"I'm not crying" I said while wiping my tears "come on you can tell me, what's wrong" he said quietly wiping the remains of my tears.

I huffed slowly just so I can calm down. "Nothing happened but I don't really know why I'm crying he just ignores me and I started thinking that he hates me for no reason and I'm really sensitive when it comes to people hating me"

He hugged me and said "its ok plus he can be a cunt sometimes" we just stayed. Sitting on the ground hugging.

I looked up at him cause i thought he fell asleep but he wasn't he was staring at me.

James pov:
When we were sitting down in the dead grass I noticed how even her complexion is and how her eyes glow in the sun.

I think I was staring too long cause she looked at me and asked me "what's wrong,is there something on my face?" "Oh no no it's just your I don't know" "ugly ya I know"

"No-no you look actually kinda hotter when you cry" great now she thinks I'm a creep. "Was that a bit weird to say?" I said blushing.

"Actually it's not" she laughed
"Can I ask you something"
"Ya Sure" "uh would you go on a date with me".

Lord i just took a big risk. "Is this what you wanted to ask me over the phone?" "Actually no I just wanted to get to know you better" I laughed

"Oh well then ok, ya I would love to go on a date with you" "great then call me tomorrow after school so I can tell you where we're going." I said while standing up. I helped her up too.

"Okay but right now we really gotta go me and Lilly have to go to an appointment" "ok I'll call her for you" ok thanks"

Demon [Jai Brooks]Where stories live. Discover now