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Lilly's pov:
I'm getting dressed right now in a blue light sweater with a black skirt. I didn't wanna wear much makeup so I just put on some light pink Lipstick and some concealer under my eyes.
Evan is waiting downstairs for me and honestly this guy is so sweet cause we literally just met the other day and he's already trying to comfort me.
I wanna meet the mom of this lovely boy.

I walked downstairs and saw Evan looking around the living room and at the pictures that are hung up above the fire place.
"Hey you ready" I asked while putting my shoes on
"Yea I'm just waiting on you" he laughed
"Ok come on lets go"

Evan unlocked the door to his house, we both took our shoes off and walked in quietly
"Hi mom I uh bought a friend over for dinner"
"And who will that be" she said not looking up since she was busy making the table
"Her name is Lilly"
She looked up and saw me standing there
"Oh well hello my name is Annie but you can call me Anne" she said while hugging me.
"Ok well oh I forgot to tell you your dad isn't coming for dinner today he's working a late shift"
He nodded and lead me to his room I'm guessing.

"Your moms nice" I said while sitting on the bed
he laughed and said
"Not until you get her mad"
"Can I go help her she looks so overwhelmed with all the dishes"
"Um no you don't have to she does this all the time"
I got up and said "too bad I'm gonna go help her"
I heard him sigh and say
"I'll be right there I'm gonna change first"

"Hi Anne do you need any help"
"Oh you're so sweet but it's ok I got it"
"Are you sure cause I got nothing to do right now"
"Ok well if your willing to help I do need someone to clean up the dishes so I can have more room for later"
"Ok I can do that"

Evans pov:
I sat on the counters that are near the sink and said
"Mom of all things for her to do you make her do the dishes"
"Hey you know I don't like anyone touching my food unless it's perfect"
I playfully rolled my eyes and asked Lilly "do you need help you seem disgusted"
"Oh no I'm not disgusted it's just I hate when things that aren't supposed to be wet are and I touch it I just ew I don't like how it feels"

Me and my mom laughed
"Well then since you did half of them I'll wash them and you dry them"
"Ok but where's the towel"
"Come on kids foods ready!" My mom called out. Me and Lilly walked out from the basement
"mom where's Tori" I asked
"She's coming down in a minute her friends are about to leave"
"Come on I'll walk you guys outside" I heard Tori say from upstairs
She came down and saw that Lilly was sitting in the kitchen table
"Lilly! What are you doing in my house" she yelled in surprise
"Um Evan invited me why"
"Why! Because you're popular and your hanging out with my brother"
"Now Tori be nice" mom yelled back at her

"We're eating dinner and Lilly seems to have fun talking to my mom"
"Your mom is funny I like her" she whispered to me
"I still don't know how your hanging out with him" Tori said
Lilly obviously sighed in annoyance and said
"Your brother might be a little shy but he's cool my other friends seem to like him the question is how come you don't like him I would die for a brother this nice"
My mom put her spoon down and backed up looking impressed.
"You just met him you don't even know anything about him" Tori said
"That's why I became friends with him so I can get to know him"

"Teachers told me that you become friends with everyone to make them feel good about them selfs"
"So that means you're gonna hangout with him then leave him once he's not that interesting anymore"
"Where did you- I'm not gonna listen to this BS, sorry Anne but I have to go it's getting late and the dinner was good but I just have to leave"
"Oh ok well sorry about her she's a tough one and I hope to see you some other time"
She smiled and went to put her shoes back on.
"Ok uh I should probably drop you off back home"

"Alright let me go get my keys"
I quickly ran to my room and grabbed the keys.
But when I got back down she wasn't standing at the doorstep
"Mom where's Lilly"
"She's waiting outside for you cause Tori kept giving her looks"
I went outside and saw her standing in the cold
"You know you could've sat in the car it's freezing out here"
"Yea I know I just wanted to get some air"
"Well come on get in the car before Tori comes back out" I laughed

I finally made it to her house and I parked in the driveway.
"Sorry about Tori she's a bitch"
"It's alright I just don't have a good temper and if I lash out someone's getting hurt that's why I walked out"
"That makes sense"
"Yea... well I got to go nice meeting your mom"
She said while hugging me.

Jai's pov:
I keep getting those text from the guy and today he sent me pictures of that guy from last time time he was in her room hugging her while she was crying
That should've been me but I'm probably the reason she was crying cause Beau told me what she said.

"Hey beau"
"What's up"
"I can't handle this anymore I have to see her"
"No you don't your gonna stay in that house and go to sleep cause we have a lot of work to do tomorrow"
"What work" I asked looking confused
"We're gonna try to make Your demon leave your body"
"No you're not I want him to stay in my body"
"Why! He's ruining your life and I thought you wanna go back to Lilly"
"I do! It's just that you know what I used to go through cause of the girls I thought I loved but you know he took care of that"
"Yea I know that but guess how he took care of it. By fucking killing them all!"
"So what at least I wasn't miserable"
"We don't care about your decision anymore were taking that thing out of you and then you can live happily ever after"
"Ok fine bye"
I hung up and laid down in bed.


I still couldn't sleep after an hour so I decided that I was gonna go to Lilly's house one last time.
I went to my yellow car so if she's awake she wouldn't notice it's me, but I think she's seen this car at Beaus house.
Anyways I'm on my way to her house and I've never felt this attracted to a girl before.
I climbed up the tree that's near Lilly's window and sat on the balcony, I watched her sleep for almost 20 minutes but then she jumped out of bed and turned the lights on.
"Shit!" I muttered. I quickly jumped off the balcony and hid behind the tree
"Hey Daniel I think someone was on my balcony come check it out" she said through the phone I think
"What the fuck do you want"
"I felt like someone was watching me then I heard someone say something but I couldn't make out what they said"

"And what the fuck am I gonna do about it!" He yelled
"I-I don't know I was just wondering if you can check it out"
"Check it out yourself I'm not some bodyguard!"
"O-ok I will"
I knew she was gonna come down and look for me but I'm only gonna let her see me for a few seconds.
I heard the door open and lightly shut with some shuffling on the cement.
"Helloo? Is anybody down here" she cooed while slowly looking around the outside of her house.
I couldn't stand seeing her looking desperate and scared so I whispered
She started walking towards my way and then I started to think to myself
'Oh shit why am I even doing this' and ran just ran like a coward. But before I got far from her I heard her whisper "Jai?" But I still didn't stop from running until I got to my car and drove home.

Demon [Jai Brooks]Where stories live. Discover now