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***Next morning***
Jais pov:
I woke up this morning to Kylie running her hands across my hair and stroking my cheek
"Good morning" she said in a low voice
"Good morning" I smiled while tucking a piece of hair behind her ear
"What time is it" I asked, rubbing my eyes
"Uh.. 6:30"
"Fuck I have to go" I slowly picked her up off of me and set her on the couch
"Where do you have to go"
"A funeral"
"Oh... who died"
"Lillys dad"
"How" she asked
"Somebody killed him"
"Was it you"
"Yea" I chuckled
"You have to stop doing that before you lose everyone that loves you"
"I never finish what I started that's the only reason I'm still doing this, plus I only have two people left" I replied while going to the bathroom and get ready

Lillys pov:
Me, Steve and Daniel are at the church getting everything set up and honestly I don't think I can do this, I mean I've been crying the minute I got here. Daniel cried before we got here and Steve is trying to hold his tears back
"Lilly you have to stop crying the funeral is in about an hour and we have to greet everyone and I know you don't like when people pity you but that's what's going to happen" Steve explained
"Leave he-her alone Steve" Daniel sobbed
I walked up to him and hugged him and cried along with him
** After taking coffin out**
Everyone is here: my dads friends, family and us kids along with Evan, Red and Jack, Beau, and Luke
Red hasn't met my dad so I'm guessing she's just here to pay her respects and comfort Evan
Jack is holding me tightly and whispering comforting words into my ears while the priest is saying the prayers
When all us individuals set our roses on the coffin I saw a couple walk up to it and put two black roses
I immediately stopped crying and looked up
Jai? He has the nerves to come here with some stranger and put a BLACK rose on MY dads coffin. He even has a smirk on his face
I got out of Jacks grip and ran towrds him and at the top of my lungs I screamed at him and as I was pushing and punching him
Somebody picked me up easily from behind and covered my mouth I think it was cause I was cursing in front of the priest
"Let go! I said let go you asshole" I screamed, trying to get out of this persons grip
I turned my head around and saw that it was Beau
He gave me a look and carried me away from everyone else

"Beau please let go" I desperately cried basically giving up
"Not gonna happen"
He set me down inside his car and said
"Try to calm do-"
I tried to get out of the car but he blocked my way.
He cupped my cheeks in his hands and slowly said
"Calm down, ok just breath in and out"
I tried to but couldn't.
When he noticed I was struggling he just hugged me tightly and comfortingly rubbed my back
After 4 minutes I've stopped crying and was exhausted
"I give up" I mumbled against his shirt
"Give up what"
"Trying to get away from him, everything I do he still ends up in front of me, ruining everything"
"Then what are you gonna do know" he asked
".... I don't know but i-"
"Hey!" I heard someone call out
We turned around and saw Jack
"Oh my god I don't wanna talk to him right now he'll probably yell at me or something" I whispered
He looked at me for a few seconds then protectivly held me
"Why the fuck did you just cause a scene"
"Be-because Jai was there and I didn't mean to cause a scene" I defended myself
"You could've waited after the funeral to deal with him!"
"No Jack, I couldn't he stood there with a fucking smirk on his stupid face and acted as if this whole funeral was a joke!"
"It doesn't matter! This was your fathers funeral and you just ruined everything for everyone" he fired back
I opened my mouth to say something back but Beau beat me to it
"How about you stop yelling at her and just accept that she's been through a lot these past few days!"
"I know its just she could've kept it to herself for 5 more minutes then yelled at him"
"I would've done the same thing if I saw him" Beau said
Jack rubbed his temples in frustration and said
"Ok I'm sorry I yelled, are you coming with me now"
"No, I'm staying here for a bit"
"Ok well I'm leaving" he harshly said and walked away
I flicked him off and hugged Beau before leaving.
By the time I got back to the grave everyone was already gone
I sat down on the floor and just started crying all over again
"I'm sorry dad, I ju-just ruined your wh-whole funeral, I ju-just had to be th-the self cent-ered bitch and caused a bi-big scene, but it-it wasn't only cause Ja-jai was here I kept in all ma-my anger wh-when I saw your stu-pid secret fa-family and th-they had the courage to ac-actually glare at me like I was so-" I was disturbed by someone wrapping their arms around me
I didn't even need to turn around to know who it was cause thats how he always wraps his arms around me, and I inhaled his scent
"Get.. the hell aw-away from me" I said in a low voice
"I'm sorry" he said
"N-no you're not, yo-you're j-just gonna hu-hurt me all over again!" I screamed trying to get out of his grip, but he just tightened it
"Listen we don't have to be friends or have a relationship I just want you to accept my apology"
"Just leave me alone! I hate you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs
"Ok, ok I'll leave, just I want you to know...."
He slowly got closer to my ear and purposely made his lips touch my ear lobe then said
"I love you"
"Well I fucking hate you! Now let go!"
He slowly let go of me and said
"Are you staying here"
I nodded my head while looking down at my fathers grave
"Then I'm staying here with you" he said sitting back down
An annoued amd desperate cry left my mouth
"Just.. leave me alone...please" I whispered

Jais pov:
***before funeral***
"Jai! I found your tie!" Kylie happily said
"Yess" I gave her a quick peck on the lips before putting it around my neck
She took the tie from my hands and started adjusting it for me
"What are you gonna do there" she asked
"I don't know but I for sure wanna see how she'll react when she sees me" I laughed
She finsihed tying the tie then pulled me in for a quick kiss
"You look pretty sexy in a suit"
"Thank you, do you wanna come with" I asked
"Sure, but what am I gonna wear"
"A black dress, duh"
"Then come come pick one out for me"
We finally got to the funeral and we're late cause I decided to pick up two black roses which wad kinda hard to find.
Me and Kylie walked to the group of crying people hand in hand
"Ugh I hate funerals they bring back so much memories" she said
"Just think about how good I look" I chuckled
She rolled her eyes and thankfully the last person put their rose on the coffin and then it was our turn
We stepped up and when I saw Lilly in Jacks arms a smirk appeared on my face knowing he won't be here much longer.
As if immediately I felt Lillys arms weakly punching my chest and screaming at me.


After everyone left Kylie had to leave too but I stayed behind just cause I felt like it.I saw Lilly walking back to where we had just dug her dad at and sat on the floor sobbing while saying some other things but all I heard was - I'm sorry- and everything else was muffled to me
When I saw her sitting there desperately holding onto the ground, it kinda hurt my black heart so I slowly walked up to her and sat down behind her.. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her
She didn't jump or anything instead she just said
"Get.. the hell aw-away from me"
"I'm sorry" I truly said
"N-no you're not, yo-you're j-just gonna hu-hurt me all over again" she said trying to get out of my grip, so I held her even tighter
"Listen we don't have to be friends or have a relationship I just want you to accept my apology"
"Wi-will you leave me alone" she quickly asked
"O-k then I acc-accept your apology, now let go of me"
I know she didn't mean it but I slowly let go of her and got up
"Are you staying here" I asked her while sticking ny hand out for her to take
She slowly nodded and looked away from me
"Then I'm staying here with you" I sat back down next to her but she said
"Can you leave. I dont like you" 'ouch'
"Are you really dating Jack" I asked, ignoring her demand
"Yea" her voice cracked
"Do you actually like him?"
She lazily nodded and looked me in the eyes and hesitantly asked me
"Who was tha-that girl with you"
"An old friend, don't worry about her"
"I wasn't, I just got happy thinking I got rid of you" she said with a fake smile
I frustratingly sighed and took her hands in mine she didnt pull away surprisingly
"Listen I know you hate me right now, and you have a right to be mad at me but... please please please don't date Jack. Its for yo-"
"What is it this time! Why don't you like Jack now! And I can do anything I want without your consent, so stop acting like Steve and leave me alone!" She quickly fired back while pulling her hands away

I put my hands up in defense and said
"Trust me its a bad idea to date him, I'm only saying this for your own reasons"
"If you tell me a good reason I'll probably listen to you"
Fuckk what am I gonna tell her....think think 'light bulb'
"Because my Demon wants to kill him" I blurted out
"Your lying" she cried basically sobbed
"You already killed James now Jack, dont you have a he-"
"Who told you I killed James!"
"I just as-assumed you did ca-cause you were the last person to see h-him"
"It wasn't me and I don't even think he's dead cause nobody found a body so.."
She immediately stopped crying and widend her eyes
"What do you mean" she said while holding onto my knees
"I mean, he's probably not dead and just ran away, cause there was no body, but then again there was blood on some places"
"Th-that's a good thing right" she shivered
I lazily took my jacket off and put it around her
"Yup, know lets get out of here its cold" I stood up dusting off the dirt and stuck my hand out for her to take
She looked at me first then hesitantly took it
"Can you drop me off at my house"
"Can you come to my place instead, I got hot chocolate"
"I-I don-....sure I'll come but if you expect me to be smiley the whole time, I'm not"
Yess. I mentally high fived myself and led her to the car

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