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Evans pov:
I haven't heard from Red since after the funeral and I've been texting her -asking if I could come over- but she didn't answer so I drove to her house
****At Reds front door***
I knocked on the door and seconds later her mom opened the door while taking a heel off as if she just came back from somewhere
"Hi, how can I help you"
"Uh I'm Reds friend, I just wanted to stop by and see if she's ok, cause she hasn't been answering my text" I explained
"Oh ok! Come in"
I walked in and she told me which direction her room is located
Even though I already know where it is
As I was slowly making my way upstairs my heart started to beat uncontrollably and got a sick feeling to my stomach
So I ran to her room and barged in

As I stood there looking for her I heard something I'd hope no one would ever say
"What if I end up killing myself right here, right now...then I would be free from all the pain and all the worry..." (tears are building up in my eyes just listening)
I didn't hear anything after that so I quickly ran to her bathroom and saw her holding a blade up to her neck
I immediately removed her hand from her neck and grabbed her, holding her into my chest
She immediately started crying and trying to get out of my grip
"Stop! Le-let go of me!" She yelled
"Stop, stop, it-it's just me, it's me Evan.... I need you to cal-calm down for m-me please" I choked out
"Ev-Evan?" she whispered
"Yes.... its just me, d-don't worry"
Her tensed mucles immediately calmed down and she layed her head down on my shoulder
I squeezed her into me as she was crying but she winced in pain and I immediately
pulled away and looked down at her arm
There was lots of blood, a lot
I calmly got up and turned the cold water on and put her wrists under the sink
"Wh-why are yo-you crying" she cried
I just shook my head not trusting myself to speak and continued to clean the blood off of her arm while she cried uncontrollably
I opened the mirror cabinet thing and saw some gauze so I took it and wrapped both her arms but not before putting some disinfectant spray on her wrist.
I put everything back where it was and looked at her for a quick second
I pulled her a tight hug then let go
"I'm gonna wash your face quickly, ok"
She nodded and I reopened the faucet
I put some water in my hands and washed her face as if I was taking care of a child.
When I finished I wiped her face with a towel and carried her to her bed as I laid her shaking body down I put the covers over her then gave her a quick kiss at the top of her forehead
"I'm gonna go clean the bathroom really quick then be right back''

When I re-entered the bathroom there was more blood than I remember seeing
There was blood all over the sink,floor and door
I looked in one of the cabinets and took out a washcloth and started cleaning up

Lillys pov:
After Jai cleaned out all the crumbs from his eyes I sat back down on the couch and heard my phone buzz
I looked at the screen and got a text from Jack
Jack:hey babe, can we talk
Lilly:Sure what's up
Jack:I mean face to face, can I come over
Lilly: I'm not home right now but you can just tell me right now
Jack: I can't its important
Lilly:ok I'll be there in a bit
I turned my phone off and turned my attention to Jai
"I have to go.... can you drop me off"
"Why are you leaving so early"
"Its not early its almost 1, but Jack said he needs to talk to me"
A faint "fine" came out of his mouth as he lazily got up and walked towards the door.
As he was driving Jack kept texting me saying its something really important even though he already told me before so I ignored the rest of his text
"How's the boyfriend" Jai asked
"I know you don't like him, your just trying to forget about me" he said with a smirk
My jaw clenched tightly and I kept my face forward, ignoring him
"Its ok, I did the same thing with Kylie, but we're not dating we just have sex.... good sex"
I ignored him and turned my attention to my phone when it started to vibrate, it was Jack
"Hi, are you almost home, who's bringing you"
"Calm down why are you so worried, I'm not 5 you know"
"Sorry... just tell me who's bringing you, are you in a cab or.."
"I'm in Jais' car"
"J-Jais car, what are you doing there"
"I didn't have a ride and he was the only one there so...ya"
"You could've called me!"
"No actually I couldn't, you see it's cause you were yelling at me just minutes before" I calmly said
"I'm sorry bu-"
"No your not cause when you got back you told Steve I was an attention whore, so stop acting innocent Jack and just tell me what you want"
He stayed quiet so I said
"If you don't tell me right now then don't show up at my house"
"Fine fine... I didn't want anything.... I knew you were with Jai so I called you"
"Because I know how he can manipulate you"
"I can take care of myself... can you not come to my house please, just stop by tomorrow"
I hung up and angrily held onto my phone

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