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Jai's pov:
We've been driving for three hours and we only made two pit stops but other than that its been dead silent in the car, besides me trying to get Lilly to talk.
"You know I forgot to give you your present"
She looked at me then turned back around looking out at the dark night
''Do you wanna stop at place and eat" I asked
She just shook her head then rolled the window down while sticking her head out
I put my hand on her knee and rubbed it in a comforting way but she just pushed my hand away which caused me to get aggravated but I didn't wanna yell at her so I just tightly gripped onto the steering wheel and sped up then started swerving into different lanes I kept going till I saw McDonald's,
instead of going in the drive thru I parked the car and said "do you want anything to eat"
She shook her head while looking away from me
I deeply sighed and walked in.
As I was waiting in line I got a call from Beau
"What's up"
"Luke said she's still here"
"Who's she" I asked
"Oh ya, I decided I needed her for earlier in life she'll probably be the last one but I did it to Jake so don't worry about it"
"Alright that's all I wanted to know, bye I gotta go"
"Alright bye" as I hung up
I saw a petite body standing next to me
I looked at her and saw that it was Lilly

"Hello welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order"
"Can I get large fries, a cheese burger, and a small diet coke" I said just to make Lilly launch but she didn't instead the girl that was taking the order laughed
"Ok and what would you like a small vanilla milkshake" she quietly said
"Ok the total is $10 and we'll call you back in a few minutes"
I nodded and sat in a booth with Lilly following behind
As I sat down I expected her to sit on the other side but instead she sat next to me and laid her head on my shoulder I unconsciously wrapped my arms around her and held her close.
"Here, I got you this" I took out the necklace that I made and showed it to her then put it around her neck.
She stayed quiet but she hugged me and whispered "Thank you its beautiful"
I saw her glance at my lips a couple of times so I decided to read her mind

'Should I kiss him, no its not an appropriate time plus he might just leave me again like the last time, I'll just give him a kiss on the cheek'
Seconds later I felt her small plump lips on my cheek
I held her closer and kissed the top of her head then rubbed her upper arm for comfort.

Lilly's pov:
Jai came back with a tray of our food and sat next to me.
"You know I only got large fries cause I knew your gonna be wanting some later"
"I still don't want any" I quietly said
He sighed then took a bite of his cheese burger while I stopped on my milkshake
"Eat this" he said while stuffing a few pieces of fries in my face"
I shook my head and watched as a little girl and her dad walk in happily hand- in-hand laughing at something, I think Jai noticed cause he snatched me by my shoulders and gave me a kiss on the cheek
"You know it might not even be him, I mean what's he even doing in Ohio"
I shrugged and said "what if it is him"
"I don't know we'll have to wait and see what happens"
"How many more hours till we get there"
"About 5 but I can't drive anymore I'm tired as fuck so were otherwise gonna sleep in the car or sleep at a hotel"
"At a hotel"

"Ok well come on lets go"
"Are you done eating" I asked
***At a hotel***
"Hello, welcome to Crownes Plaza Manhattan. How may I assist you" a man with a warm smile said
"Um can we get a room"
"Is it only you two"
"Ok well, you're room will be in the third floor, room 317" he said while handing me a golden key that has the room number on it
I put on a fake smile and thanked him
While we were walking to the elevator Jai put his arm around my waist and took my duffle bag from my hand
"There's only one bed" I said
"Then I guess were sharing one" he said whike walking in
'What a gentlemen'
"I'm gonna take a shower" I said
"Can I come"
"No, but can you take the necklace off of me"
"Why are you taking it off"
"Cause I dont want it to get all rusty from the water"
"Oh ok"
As he was taking it of he kissed my neck which caused a shiver go up my spine
"You know I missed you when I left" he said with his arms around me
I moved away from him and took my towel out of the bag

Demon [Jai Brooks]Where stories live. Discover now