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Lilly's pov:
"What time is it" I asked Jai
"Ok well I'm gonna go to bed so goodnight" I got up and halfway up the stairs Jai said
"Did you forget that you said I could sleep with you today"
".... Oh ya, then come on"
I walked up and took out a pair of black shorts and an oversized shirt
I brushed my teeth and removed any makeup that was on my face then laid in bed.
Seconds later Jai came in shirtless and only black shorts on
"Don't sleep without me" he said while jumping onto the bed
"Why do you wanna sleep next to me so bad anyways" I curiously asked
"Because your warm and comfortable to cuddle with"
"Well your jus t laying here today cause I'm not in a cuddly mood"
"Well too bad cause I am"
"Your so unfair sometimes"
"How's that" he asked
"Because you get everything you want from me and when I want something its all too bad or a no"
"Fine if you feel that way, then I won't cuddle with you"
"Thank you now goodnight"
I turned around and closed my eyes trying to fall asleep.

***3 minutes later***
I kept hearing Jais' over exaggerating sighs
"What's the matter" I asked
"I wanna cuddle"
"Then can I at least get a goodnight kiss"
"A hug?"
I sighed and gave him a quick hug then laid back down
After 10 minutes I finally fell asleep

Jais pov:
After 30 minutes of Lillys quiet snores she finally turned around and faced me.
I got closer to her then actually tried to fall asleep but Lilly kept moving her arm around as if looking for something and once it landed on my chest she put her leg over my waist straddling me and laid on top of me I wrapped my arms around her then fell asleep to the sound of her breathing
**** 3:00 ****
"Jai... Jai wake up"
I slowly opened my eyes and saw Lilly still half asleep
"I need to pee..... Can you let go of me" she yawned
I unwrapped my arms and she slowly walked to the bathroom and almost stumbled over a pillow.
I closed my eyes and a minute later she came out and laid back on top of me
"Goodnight" she yawned
"Goodnight" I yawned back
****6:00 ****

I woke up to someone stroking my cheek and when I woke up I saw that it was Lilly.
"Good morning"
"Good morning" she said in a cute raspy voice
"Is it time for school already" I asked
she lazily nodded and laid her head back onto my chest
"Come on get up... next week we won't have to wake up this early anymore" I said
She huffed then got up and went to the bathroom
And I did the same but in another bathroom.
After brushing my teeth and doing all that business I put on a gray sweater and some black sweatpants. I looked in the mirror and kept trying to fix my hair but it wouldn't stay down so hopefully Lilly has beanies cause I don't
I walked in her room without knocking and caught her changing
"Hey do you have a beanie I could wear"
"Thanks for knocking, and ya I do but it says 'heart' on it"
"It doesn't matter"
"Ok well hold on I have to put a shirt on"
I watched as she put on a long sleeved jersey
She opened a drawer that was filled with beanies and picked out the one that says heart on it and handed it to me
"Can you put it on me"
She first ran her fingers through my hair a couple times to brush it down then put it over my hair and said "There, you look perfect now"

After breakfast we drove in my car to school
"Hey, how did I end up on top of you this morning" she laughed
"After a few minutes you started moving then you ended up on top of me, but then you went to pee and came back on top of me"
"Oh, well sorry if I smushed you"
"Its ok I barely felt you on me"

Evans pov:
No I am not a creep, I just noticed Red on my way to my therapists office so I decided to go to her room and ask her why she left and my excuse obviously worked
Anyways I'm wearing a black sweater along with gray sweatpants, its getting really cold already I mean I know its fall but its freezing out here.
I've been waiting in the car for Tori to show up but after 7 minutes, I just left
***at school ***
I'm walking inside the school but was stopped when I saw a very thin girl arguing with Bre and it looks like Bre is winning, so I ran over to her and said "Hey is everyth- Red?"
What's she doing here, I didn't know she came to this school
"Excuse me I was talking to you" Bre said
"Oh sorry"
"You can't smoke here and if you do I'll rip the cigarette out of your mouth and make you eat it"
"Then can I smoke this one" she said while pulling out a stick of cigar
"You bitch give me that!"
Immediatly Bre's friends came out of no where and started to attack Red
"Woah woah woah! Stop! Get off of her!" I yelled while trying tob pull all four girls off of her
Seconds later two jocks came and easily picked up the girls.
I looked down and saw that there were scratches on her face and they've pulled her hair

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