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Jai's pov:
My demon has been taking over more than usual and it's starting to effect my health cause I've been throwing up a lot and my nose has been bleeding continuously.
"What are you trying to do" I asked 'it'
And seconds later I felt nauseous and blacked out

Asmodeus's pov: (demon Jai)
I wanna take over his body permanently and since there's gonna be a full moon this week I can make it official so I'm not really planning on telling him but I think he's catching up to it
I called James and told him to meet me next to the river of blood cause I had some 'business' he needed to take care of.
When I saw him walking towards me with a smile I faked one and walked up to him and said "I figured out how to get rid of the demon" I lied

"Ok what do you have to do"
"I have to kill someone first"
"Is it a certain person or just anyone" he cluelessly asked
"Well...." I slowly said while walking closer to him
"It's you"
Quickly i grabbed the knife out and stabbed a couple if times on his chest then one last time on his heart
For a finishing touch I twisted the knife then pulled it out.
I grabbed a couple of big rocks that were near an old log and stuffed them into his sweater, so that when I drop him into the river he'd immediately sink.

Since Jai isn't aware of what's going on I'm washing my hands cause he'd flip out if he finds out that I killed his best friend he'll kill me for good.
I drove about two miles away from the Bloody River then immediately left Jai's body

Lilly's pov:
When i got home I picked up the duffle bag that i already packed and exited the house cause im gonna pack all the furniture later but with the help of someone.
I went to the car and made a quick stop at my brother Steven's house to make sure if he's been doing ok, (mostly cause he lives in a richer community than i do)
An hour later i arrived at his humongous house
I got out of the car and saw that our matching cars still had the same scratches on them, i smiled to myself and continued walking to the door

"Lilly?" He asked
"Yes brother 'tis me" I joked.
He quickly gave me a hug and said "come on in"
As i was walking in I saw a baby pug laying on the couch
"Steve!" I squealed
"You have a baby pug and you didnt tell me"
I picked it up and hugged it while scratching behind its ears
"Is it a boy or a girl"
"A girl and her name is Lala"
"Oh like our old dog when we were kids" i asked
"Mhmm she reminded me of her so it just came to mind"
"So why are you here"
"Daniel kicked me out" I shrugged
He laughed and said "why?"
"Cause he's been thinking that I'm fucking his friends"
"What did you do before that so he can think like that" he asked
"Cause I sorta did fuck one of his friends"
He held his stomach and started laughing like a maniac
"Its not funny Steve" I whined
"Alright i'll stop but only if you tell me who it was, cause it must have been a bad person for him to get this mad"

"Well.... it was..... Jai"
I looked up to see his expression but he just looked blankly at me
"Your mad at me too now" i asked
"N-no its just he's not the best person to get with or have a relationship with"
"But why like I know he's rude and all but you make him seem like some psycho"
"Probably cause he is one"
"What do you mean"
"I mean that when he gets attracted to you he never leaves you alone"
"But he did leave me alone, he doesnt even like saying my name he just says 'ay' but if he does say my name hes trying to act nice"
"Then he already told you about his demon right?"

"Have you seen him kill someone yet" He asked
"No but he came to me crying with someone elses blood on his hands and clothes"
"That was probably a fake cry"
"No he was sobbing and everything"
"Well what did you tell him"
"I made him promise me that he'll never kill someone"
"And has he ever since he's been ignoring you?"
"I don't know i haven't been around him"
"Well anyways he is attracted to you, this is like a, cycle he does"

Steve's pov:
"What" she asked While putting Lala down
"He falls in 'love' with you but then his demon makes him kill everyone that has dated you while he liked you and everyone that you love like friends and family"
"Why does he even have a demon"
"Nobody knows but it was after he went through a harsh break-up"
"Oh then doesn't that mean i'm in like indanger"
"Once all your loved ones are dead then yes you are"

"How come your not afraid your a loved one too"
"Ive been through this many times, he always forgets me"
"Lucky, oh ya i have to go book a hotel for now but i'll be back in a bit"
"You, are not going anywhere. Your staying with me cause i'm always lonely in this big house"
"Really" she happily asked
"Yasss, can you go get my bags from the trunk"
"Ya sure"
I walked back inside and walked upstairs to see Lilly laughing at Lala cause she cant jump on the bed
"Stop bullying my Lala" i said while picking her up and setting her on the bed

"So your taking this room" i asked
"Ya It's big and smells good"
"Uh ok, well here are your bags"
"Thank you"
"Alright I'll leave you here to unpack your things"
"OK,well thanks for letting me stay here"
"No problem but what do you wanna easy for dinner"
"I don't know anything"
"I'll surprise you"

Evan's pov:
"Evan you idiot come here!" Tori yelled
"What do you want"
"I fucking said to come down not answer me"
I sighed while getting up to see what she wanted
"Why was lilly in your room with the door closed"
"Because she had to tell me something private, now bye"
"Im telling mom"
"Go ahead i didnt do anything"
"We all know what will happen either way" she deviouly said

I huffed in annoyance and went back to my room not caring what will happen.
"Evan!!" My mom yelled
"If what Tori told me was true I'm gonna kill you"
"Well what did she tell you"
"She said that you and Lilly got together"
"I didn't immediately still a virgin"
"Well i almost got a heart attack"
She quickly ran up to me and slapped me with all her force, leaving a mark on my face
"Your the worst kid I've ever had I cant stand you"
"Im sor-"
She slapped me again
"Mom! I s-"
She grabbed something and hit my head with it, after that i think i blacked out"

Annie's (evans mom) pov:
And of course he fainted
I gave him a wack to the head and left his room.
"Tori your brother fainted"
"And what am i gonna do about it is it my fault you take out your anger on him"
"Shut up I am your mother now go to your room" i yelled
I walked back down to the living room and sat down watching tv
*phone ringing*
"Hi honey" i sighed
"Hey whats wrong"
"Nothing its just Evan is so Ugh! He gets on my nerves all the fucking time, i look at him and i wanna punch him why couldn't he leave with his dad I mean he loves him he wants to take him away from me but Evan won't leave with him"

"Listen babe just stay with Tori and just act as if he's not there"
"I fucking can't he has a friend and he brings her over"
"Then just tell him he's not allowed to bring someone over anymore"
"Ok well forget about me, did you need something"
"Not really I was just checking up on you"
"Aw thank- Listen i got to go i think Tori is coming down"
"Ok bye"

"Mom i think Evan is dead"
"Why" i asked
"Cause he keeps moving"
"Tori you idiot leave me alone, all you kids are giving me a headache"
After she left I laid down on the couch to take a short nap
*knocking on the door*
"Tori answer the door"
"No your closer to the door I'm all the way upstairs"
I lazily sighed and answered the door
"Hi Annie, is Evan home"
Without thinking i said
"Ya he's upstairs, you can go to him"
"Ok thanks and you seem tired are you ok"
"I just have a headache so im gonna take a nap"
"Ok im gonna stop bothering you and go to Evan"
"Ok have fun"

I laid down and as if minutes later I jumped off the couch and ran to Evans room and saw Evan and Lilly hugging while Lilly was crying
"Hey u-uh whats wrong" i asked
Lilly angrily got up and walked up to me

Demon [Jai Brooks]Where stories live. Discover now