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Evans pov:
I never knew how boring of a day it was I think I even saw one of the geeks sleeping in class.
It was lunch period so I skipped it and went to the library.
I sat in the back of the library on a bean bag and relaxed since I didn't wanna read.

3 minutes later I got a text
Lilly🐢: where are you I've been looking for you
Evan🐶:I'm in the library I wasn't hungry
Lilly🐢: yes you are hungry now come to the lunch room and meet my friends
Evan🐶: ok fine be there in a sec
I walked out of the library and into the lunchroom. I looked around to find Lilly and then spotted her in the middle of the lunchroom on the biggest table with a bunch of friends.
"Evan, over here" she said while motioning me to go over there
I walked slowly hoping to waist time since I don't really like talking in big groups.

"Uh hi" I nervously said
"Come here Evan sit next to me" Lilly said while getting another chair from a table nearby.
I sat in it and say there awkwardly
"Oh yea guys this is Evan"
"Hi Evan!" they all said in unison
"Evan this is Eric,Drake,Stacy,Lexi,Victoria and Kevin"
"Hi guys" I waved awkwardly
"So how did you two meet" Stacy asked
"Um well I was at the mall and he came up to me and randomly asked for my number"
"I don't believe you look at how shy he is he can barely look at the table" Eric admitted
I was gonna say something but Lilly beat me to it
"Hey! He's my friend don't talk about home like that and plus why would I lie about how I met someone"
then Stacy yelled "yea and your just jealous that when you first met her you would throw up every time you wanted to talk to her"
He glared at Stacey while everyone else laughed.

Lilly's pov:
I noticed Evan being really quiet so I just thought he doesn't like the attention. Or he's just not used to us yet
"Hey Evan are you ok" I whispered
"Ya why not" he fake smiled
"Just a question" I said while returning to the conversation with my friends.

"Ok you don't really need anything for this class except for a pencil so let's go to your locker then go to class"
He nodded and started heading towards his locker while I followed
"This is your locker!" I yelled
"Yes, why is there a problem"
"Yes there fucking is cause Bree's locker is right next to you"
"Oh her yea she's nice"
"Uh no she's not....wait if she's nice then she's gonna try to get in your pants, just warning you"
"Oh so she's the schools slut" he laughed
"Basically. Ok hurry up and put your stuff away we don't have much time"
He nodded and dumped all his stuff at the bottom of his locker.
***After school***

Me, Evan and Stacy are walking out of school and I think Stacy likes Evan not fully I think it's just a crush.
"So can I get your number you know so I can help you with your homework"
"Uh yea sure here let me add it"
He added his number and took a quick selfie and gave it back to her.
"Ok well I have to go guys" she happily said while hugging Evan then me.

"So are you riding with me or taking your car back from your sister"
"Umm I do t know but can you come with me just I case she doesn't let me go with her cause I might get lost"
He shyly asked
"Ok come on let's go"
He walked up to a small crowd of girls while I stayed back a little
"Tori can I have my car back or at least ride with you"
"Fuck off Evan I'm dropping my friends off"
"It's my fucking car anyways!" He shouted
his sister didn't say anything instead she pushed him which made him lose balance and fall. His sister and friends all laughed and watched him get back up.
I went up to him and helped him up
"Are you serious, why'd you do that" I yelled

She looked at me in shock and said
"Why do you even care about him, look at him i think he's an 'it' sometimes "
"You are such a rude person. How can you even say that about your own brother"
She rolled her eyes and said
"Look I don't like my brother and you shouldn't either. So be my friend instead and leave this thing"
I didn't wanna fight the girl so I rolled my eyes, grabbed Evans arm and walked away.

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