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Jais pov:
"When can I get out of here!" I yelled
"Shut up its 1 in the morning, I don't have time for you"
"Suck my dick officer Delaney"
"Hey! That's rude"
"Then get me out of here"
"No you have court today"
"Can my family or friends come" I innocently asked
"Yea, do you want me to make some phone calls" he nicely asked while taking out a paper and pen
"Yea, can you just call Beau Brooks, Luke brooks, James yammouni and Lilly Sahyounie"
"Ok, you better shut up then cause I'm being nice right now"
"Ok" I sat back down and waited till he came back
"Ok, so they all said they're coming but Lilly didn't want to, but I sorta begged her for teenage loves sake and now shes coming"
"Your the man Delaney" I fist bumped him through the small opening
"Ok now shut up and sit down"
"Alright" I laughed and tried to relax

Lilly's pov:
I pressed the small blade across my wrist, causing small blood trails to leak down my arm
"Why me... why does everything have to happen to. ME" I whispered to myself while making multiple deep cuts into my skin
*phone ringing*
I looked at the screen and it was an unknown number so I answered it
"Hi, is this Lilly Sahyounie"
"Yes, who am I speaking with" I asked
"I am officer Delaney and I'm just here to notify you that today is Jai Brooks court date and he was wondering if you would come"
"N-no I can't"
"... listen yesterday when you got him some stuff you should've seen how happy he looked, and when you left crying he barely fell asleep.. so I dont know I mean he keeps telling me he loves you, can you just come to court, its at 3:30"
"... ok fine I'll come, should I get him anything"
"A toothbrush? I dont know" he laughed
"Ok, bye" I fake laughed
That was probably the officer from yesterday

I put the phone down and saw that my wrist was oozing out blood, which was going everywhere so I quickly stood up from the floor and ran to my bathroom.
Once I washed all the blood away I laid down on my bed and took my phone out looking through my pictures
Don't ask why, its just entertaining cause social media is all trash so I haven't been on anything lately
As I was looking through my pictures I found a few that werent taken by me
*Picture one: I was asleep on the couch and Beau was also asleep and laying his head was laying on my lap and Jai sticking his middle finger at us*
*Picture two: I was eating breakfast and Jai also has his middle finger at me"*
How did I not notice that
*Picture three: I was crying on my bed*
*Picture four: I was sleeping on top of Jai*
And the rest of the pictures were random for instance a blurry picture of Jai eating a hamburger and a pictures of Beau and Daniels ass
I ended up laughing so I turned the phone off and decided to take a shower

Reds pov:
"Hey Evan, can you come over today" I asked over the phone
"Uh I'm busy today sorry"
"Oh its ok, um so.. wha-what are you doing right now"
"Nothing, I just woke up and I have to go take a shower"
"Oh ok sorry, bye"
I hung up and called my dad
"Hi dad!"
"Hi sweetie what's up"
"Nothing, its pretty boring here without all your yelling"
I heard his small chuckle come through the phone and say
"Yea? Well I miss your daily whining"
"Ha. Ha I'm laughing, anyways when are you coming back" I asked
"Probably next week"
"Thank god its actually annoying living with mom cause I already got grounded"
"What did you do this time" he half laughed
"I don't remember but I know it ended up with yelling and of course gr-"
"Hey listen honey I have to go right now, I'll call you tonight if I get the chance"
"Oh.. ok bye" I soon heard the other end of the line go flat so I put my phone on charge and headed downstairs

"Ah! Youre finally up, I'm going to work I left breakfast in the microwave and dinner is in the oven"
"You have a night shift today?" I asked
"Yes, and for the next two weeks"
"Ok well that's good"
"Your still grounded so I don't know why you're giving me an attitude"
"Sorry.. are you leaving now"
"Yeah I just need my coffee" she grabbed it and put her heels on (She's a real estate agent)
"Bye mom" I gave her a hug and kiss then she soon walked out, leaving me all alone with nothing to do
I opened the microwave and saw scrambled eggs and bacon on a plate
I grabbed one piece of bacon and headed upstairs
When I got to my room I put on some black legging and a white Harry Potter sweater then headed out, but not before taking my phone and earphones with me

As I was walking around the neighborhood I saw somebody I've seen at school a few times walking my way so I quickly turned around and started walking at a fast pace
"Hey.. Red!?" The person yelled
I continued walking but soon felt an arm on my shoulder which caused a loud gasp escape my mouth but once I turned around I saw that it was Alex
"H-hi Alex"
"Hey, sorry if I scared you I was calling you but you didn't answer?" He explained
"Oh sorry I-I had m-my earphones in"
"Shit.. did I scare you that much, is that why your stuttering" he innocently asked
"N-no do-don't worry its ju-just I nat-naturally stutter"
"Oh ok good, anyways what are you doing here all alone"
"Ju-just taking a walk"
"Can I join, I'm just waiting till my little sister is done playing at this boring park" he complained
"S-sure" we turned back around and started walking in the parks track while his little sister was playing with a few friend in the sand box

"So, Red.. are you in a relationship"
"N-no, are you"
"Not anymore but if I were you I'd stay single, you have more... freedom I'd say"
"I'll try t-to take you-you're word for it" I laughed
"So do you like anyone at our school"
"... I-I dont know, I don't re-really talk t-to people at school"
"Oh, well how about that Evan guy, you two seem to always talk to each other"
"He-he's ok, but... I don't know, I don't think he likes me"
"I'll ask him for you if you want"
"No its ok.. but thanks for a-asking"
After talking for an hour and a half I had to get back home and he had to take his sister back home.

Jais Pov:
"Hey Delaney!, when is Lilly coming"
"How on this fucking earth would I know"
I huffed In annoyance and asked
"What time is it then!"
"3:00 remind me in 10 minutes to let you out"
"Sure.. if only I had a watch!"
"Shut up! I'll just remind myself" he yelled out of annoyance
"How old are you" I asked him
"36, why"
"Nothing, your vocabulary is just so old" I laughed
"Listen punk! I've been way too nice to you, and that is gonna change now... So shut up"
"Ok, whatever you say old man" he's not that old I just wanna mess with this guy
He ignored me and after 10 attempts of trying to get under his skin he still ignored me so I just sat down and put some fries in my mouth
***10 minutes later***
"Punk! Wake up, come on were going to court"
"Fuuck but Lilly isn't here yet"
"How would you know your not even at the court place"
"Oh its in a different building"
"Yes.. its always been in a separate building, where have you been living, under a rock"
"I don't know you tell me, Punk" I laughed
He looked away from me and cursed under his breath causing me to laugh again
He grabbed me by my arm and cuffed my wrists then pulled me outside and into a cop car
After the 5 minute ride we arrived at the place or court whatever
And once I looked at the parking lot I saw Luke, Beau, and James cars all parked in one row, but I didn't spot Lillys red Charger anywhere.
Of course she's not here, why would she be here

As we walked in there was a tv in the building and was on the News
"19 year old Jai Brooks is now being accused of killing 5 innocent teens and 1 dad, he is also being charged for older charges, such as Battery, 3rd degree assaults, drug posse-"
The Tv was turned off and I heard someones feet walking against the clear tiles, my head shot in that direction and saw Lilly running towards the door and Luke chasing after her

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