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Chapters song- Drown by Bring me the horizon

Lillys pov:
"Jack....Jack wake up"
"Can you drive me home"
"Tsk why do you wanna leave now"
"Jack come on its important"
"Ok fine come on lets go"
"Sorry" I apologetically said
"Its ok, what are bestfriends for" he said in a raspy voice
And yes we fell asleep like children.... we ate cookies then drank milk and fell asleep on the floor and I think his mom came in cause there was a blanket over us
"Bye mom"
"Oh sweetheart your leaving already"
"Yea I have to get home"
"Oh ok but hold on take some brownies with-"
"Honey who are you talkin-"
"Lilly? Oh my god I missed you"
"Aww I missed you too" I said while he suffocated me with a tight hug
"Can't.... breath"
"Oh sorry" he let go of me then said
"Since your leaving now you should come over for dinner some day"
"Ok, I'll see if I have anything coming up this week"
He nodded then we said our goodbyes and left but not after his mom insisted me to take the brownies with me
As Jack was driving I was trying to get a hold of Jai but he would'nt answer so I texted him and said
1:Where are you
2:I'm coming home
3:I got brownies
4:do you like brownies
5:Jai where are you I think I shot!

After 3 minutes of trying to get him to answer he wouldn't
"Who are you trying to call"
"Uh.... Steve but he's not picking up" I lied
"Ok here is your house" fuck I meant the other house
"Thanks bye" I gave him a quick hug then ran inside
I looked in all rooms, all bathrooms, and the basment but he wasn't here so I grabbed my keys and ran to my car
I hopped in and sped off to my house
The closer I got to the house the faster my heart started beating
When I got to a red light I ignored it and kept driving and then there was another red light and I also passed it not caring about anything but that black box
Two minutes later there was a red and blue light flashing at me
I quickly pulled to the side wanting to get this over with as quick as possible
"M'am do you know why I'm pulling you over" he slowly asked
"Yes because I passed two red lights, but its worth it and I need to go now please I'm in a hurry just ticket me and let me go I really gotta go before he opens the boxes, he can't see what's in the boxes, NO ONE CAN SEE WHATS IN THERE" I quickly said while crying
" ok whats your name I'll just mail the ticket to you" 
"My name's Lilly Sahyounie, can I go now"
"Yes you can but don't cross any red lights"
"Ok thank you bye"
I sped off not caring that a cop is behind me and started panicking which caused me to cry

When I got there  I parked in the driveway and ran out of the car and into the house.
I went straight to the basement and saw that they weren't there anymore so I slamed the door and ran upstairs
I looked in each room as I was passing by and finally when I got to my bedrooms door I stopped and took a deep breath to calm down but I grew impatient and stormed into the room
I looked around and saw him in tears
"J-Jai" I said in a low voice since he didn't notice I was in there
He looked up at me with mixed emotions on his face he ran up to me and grabbed both my forearms and said
"Who the fuck did this to you!"
"N-n-no one it wa-"
"Dont fucking lie to me who did this to you" he yelled while slapping me, causing me to fall in the floor
I started crying and said
"It w-was s-so lon-"
"Who did this to you Lilly!" he cried while throwing multiple slaps and punches at me
"St-st-stop ple-please I-I-ill tell you"
He grabbed my hair and said "who did it!"
Why is he putting bruises on me if he's asking who put them on me a years ago
"J-j-just le-let g-go" I cried
He threw me back on the bed and I said
"I-I w-was in an ab-ab-abusive re-relationship, an-and h-he wo-would hi-hit me fo-for no reas-reason th-then af-after it he-he wou-would say he's sor-sorry th-en u-use the ex-excuse 'be-because I-I'm you-your b-b-boyfriend'  s-so I th-thought he-he's just wat-watching out for me
And o-one day the co-cops s-saw my bru-bruises so th-they to-took him stra-straight to jail bu-but I sti-still lov-loved him s-so I to-told them to let hi-him g-go....... th-then te-ten days la-later the-they let him g-go bu-but he ra-raped m-me on-once he got-"
"He raped you!" He yelled while wiping his tears
I quickly nodded then he came after me causing me to flinch thinking he was gonna hit me but instead I felt his arms engulf me in a hug

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