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Lilly's pov:
As I was turning around to tell Jai that I wanna go in a cab and not with him I felt a sharp pain on my cheek
'Why the fuck did he just slap me'
"What the fuck!" I yelled holding back the tears
"Lets go to the fucking car" he said through gritted teeth while pushing me
"Walk faster! Bitch" he demanded while grabbing my arm
I snatched my arm and said
"Give me my keys and leave me alone"
"Give me my fucking keys!"
"Or what"
"I'll scream"
"No you won't, now start walking"
I saw people looking at me and Luke then finally a guy came running out of a tattoo parlor
"Is everything ok here?" He nicely said
"This guy here took my keys an-and he wont let me leave un-unless I give him his 'n-needs' I fake cried
He gave Jai a scary glare then said "give this nice lady her car keys or we're gonna have a problem"
"Alright alright chill out"
He handed me the keys and muttered a small "slut"
"Hey! You can leave now she doesn't need you standing,here" the man demanded
"Ok fine" he walked off and flicked us off when the man turned around

"Thank you sir, I don't know what would have happened if you didn't come out"
"No problem young lady, now I have to go back to work sorry I can't talk"
"Oh! Its ok I need to be going anyways"
We said our goodbyes and went our seperate ways
I got in my car and locked the doors just incase.
I started the car and drove towards the highway that leads me to the next state
***10 minutes later***
I got to a red light so as I started I checked my phone I saw that Jai was calling
"What the hell do you want from me!" I yelled
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry"
"Ya well we both know that sorry doesn't fix anything"
"Can you pick me up"
The traffic light turned green so I put him on speaker and focused on the rode
I don't wanna die to Jais voice
"No, I don't trust you. Plus I'm already like ten minutes away from the hotel"
"How am I gonna get home"
"Don't know, don't care"
"What if I meet you at a place near you then we can go together"
"No! I already said I don't trust you anymore so stop calling"
"Wait Lilly!"
"Do you still have the necklace with you"
"If you want it I'll give it back once I see yoy again don't worry"
"No tha-"
I shut the phone and kept driving

Evans pov:
I spent the day with my dad yesterday and I actually had fun without trying to impress someone
And I ate two slices of pizza!
But I threw it up once I got home, then ran a full 2 hours so I guess I didn't really achive anything
"Wake up Evan! I better see breakfast on the table when I get down there" my mom yelled
Luckily I woke up early and made her and Tori some waffles
"Your waffles are in the microwave"
"Ok shut up Tori got them for me!"
I sighed and went to the bathroom and took my blade out
I slid it across my wrist a couple of times making deep cuts not caring about anyone
'Why would I care about anyone its not like anyone cares about me, where' s Lilly, where are all my old friends, my own family don't even care about me how are others going to'
By the time I snapped out of my thoughts I saw that I've made six new deep cuts.

'I need help' I thought to myself when I saw that I have way to many cuts on my arm
I washed all the blood away and called Lilly
"Hey Lilly"
"Hey what's up you sound sad"
"I need to tell you something important, can I come over"
"I'm in The middle of the highway driving towards Ohio"
"Ok call me when you get back"
"Oh, ok bye"
And of course right when I was gonna confess to her she's busy
I feel so hopeless
I sat on my bed and started thinking 'Why won't anyone just step forward and just help me!'
"Wow I sound so pathetic, I mean I say I wanna lose weight then the next seconds Im eating a chocolate cake and two slices of pizza-"
"Evan! Come down here right now"
I walked downstairs and was met with my moms scary angry face
"Yes mom"
"Was it you who took a bite of this cake" she asked while holding it in her hand"
"How much do you weigh!?"
"The last time I checked you were 80, 'that last time was when I was 12'
so since you've been hogging all the food like a pig your not getting any dinner or breakfast for two weeks"
"Ok" I respectfully said
"Here take the cake and dump it in the garbage I don't like it"
"Ok mother"

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