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Jai's Pov:
When I got home from the woods I felt bad for killing the innocent couple but at the same time I'm not, its who I am. I got home and took a shower and washed my clothes just incase there is any blood on them.

I wanted to tell Luke that I fancied Lilly but I wasn't even that sure of it myself and now that he basically got them together I want her even more. If you wondering how I know that Luke helped get them back together, well it's simple my demons told me.

I thought about how Lilly and my best friend are going out and it just annoys me how I could've had her all to myself and she would think i am a decent guy if only the demons didn't make me so aggressive around her.

'Ding' I looked at my phone and saw that I got a text from James

James👾: Aye want to hang out with me and the guys?

I was about to answer his text with a 'no thanks' but before I got a chance to type I Heard someone say 'oh I want to answer that' then everything went black.

James Pov:
I texted Jai and asked if he wanted to hang out with me and the boys including Lilly of course. I got a reply back after a minute was and was slightly surprised.

Jai🔫: No, I don't want to hang out with you, you could just go and fuck Lilly I'm sure she'd like it

I relaxed a bit then sighed it obviously wasn't Jai that sent it it was probably the monsters in his head or something. "What's wrong" Lilly asked. I completely forgot she was next to me on the couch.

"Oh nothing it's just Jai being greedy" I said gesturing to my phone by shaking it. "here let me see" she said and grabbed my phone reading the text he sent. I tried to get it back but she was fast and kept dodging me.

When she finished reading it I expected her to be mad because he said I should fuck her and that she would like it but instead she looked confused. "Does he talk to you like this all the time?" she asked disgustingly.

I stayed quiet not knowing how to answer her question.

"I'm just saying cause you acted as if he didn't say anything wrong so..." she said getting a bit shy and trailing off. I knew it was his demons but I can't tell her that, its Jai's story to tell not mine.

"So he's not coming with us?" She asked while laying her head in my chest.

"Uh no but who cares he's gonna be missing out on a lot" I said while lightly caressing her hair.

"LUKE!!!!" Yelled Lilly from where she sat.
I covered my ears and said "shut the fuck up" while pushing her face away playfully.

"What do you want you know I'm trying to get ready and I don't naturally look this good" he said with a hint of sass in his voice.

She started laughing and ran upstairs to see what he's gonna wear.
When she left I went to the backyard and called Jai.

[J= Jai. Y=James]
J: what do you want?
Y: Just wanted to tell you that Lilly sorta saw your text.
J: Am I supposed to give a fuck
Y: I don't know I was just telling you since you usually get mad when others see your text. Well it's not really you but you know what I mean.

J: whatever where are you guys going I might want to come later
Y: Really! We're going Bowling at Lucky Strike.
J:k bye I'll let you know if I'm coming. So be prepared. He laughed

I turned off my phone and walked back inside to see Daniel tackling Lilly while Her face was red as a tomato.
When she noticed me walk in she held her hand up so I can help her but I just laughed and pretended to walk upstairs she then gave up and laid there practically dying from Daniels weight.

"James you really are a cunt" she coughed out when she saw me running back laughing at her.

"HELP ME AND STOP LAUGHING" She yelled with seriousness and in her voice but her face was filled playfulness.

"Ok fine!" I pushed Daniel out of the way and and said
"Daniel come on get dressed were leaving in half an hour and your still wearing your Pjs" I ranted

He frowned and got up to put some appropriate clothes on. After him leaving I went to help Lilly up since she was acting like she was choking by holding her neck and making her face red.

But really she looked like a dead red seal flopping around.
I picked her up bridal style and said "ok alright enough with the seal faces I'm carrying you, now stop being lazy"

She kissed my lips and whispered "I just wanted to know if you would help me if I'm ever dying and I guess not since you were laughing your ass off"

I started laughing while our foreheads were connected and said "you now I'll always save you if you were in any danger just not Daniel kind of danger"
I finally started kissing her soft lips but were soon interrupted by Beau yelling "GET A ROOM BITCHES"

We both started laughing and she said "We would but were leaving right now. So is everyone ready?"
"Ya but Luke said he wants your opinion on what he's wearing. So go to his room he won't come down"

She nodded and ran upstairs.
After ten minutes they both came down laughing.

Lilly's pov:
We've been bowling for the past 20 min and I noticed James keep looking at the door but other than that were all having fun.

The place is actually comforting cause it's there's like couches on the other side of the building and it's basically a restaurant and bowling alley.

When i finally got all the pins down I ran up to James practically screaming and jumped into his arms.

Like went up while swaying his hips making us laughs and threw the ball but not how your supposed to he make it bounce up and go out. We all started laughing and he fake pouted and took Beaus turn without him noticing.

Beau got up talking with a deep voice (the ugly gorilla voice he uses when he's mad😂) saying "WHO TOOK MY TURN" Everyone was laughing while me and Daniel were practically in tears and on the floor clutching our stomachs.

When we finally calmed down I noticed Beau and Luke giving us weird looks and James was- wait where did James go.

I got up and saw him talking to someone at the door.
I tried looking over his talk body but couldn't cause I was too short compared to him.

After a few minutes he turned around and walked towards us and I gave him a 'who is that' look but then realized it was Jai and before he could even see me I ran back to my seat.

When James came back he sat next to me with his hand around my waist. I scooted closer when I saw Jai coming toward us.

"JAI" Yelled all the other guys. He turned around surprised since he didn't see them.
They were all saying hi to him and let him take one of their turns.
'Why do they treat him so nice when he's so cruel' I thought to my self

"Hey Lilly I haven't a seen you in a while" he said in a fake happy way while opening his arms.
I looked at James and got up to hug Jai. But I barely let him wrap his arms fully around me when I let go of him.

But before I can go back to James he caught my arm and said "don't fucking act as if shit is happening between us ok cause whatever happened in the past is the past so leave it there. And act normal around me for once" he spat

I looked at him closely and simply said "fine" then went back to James but to my luck he sat right next to me.

This is gonna be a fun night -_-

Demon [Jai Brooks]Where stories live. Discover now