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Jais pov:
How can anyone sleep when an angle is right beside you, id rather stare at her all day then sleep. Specially cause I know my time with her is limited, only cause she doesn't like me being around her to much
"Jai?" she whispered
"Yes Lilo"
"Why is she here"
"Who's here?" I confusingly asked while looking around the room but there wasn't anyone around
"There's nobody here babe"
"Sto-stop! Get! Away!" She screamed
Oh she's dreaming
"Lilly... wake up, Lil-" Isaid while lightly shaking her
"Ow! Stop!"
I immediately removed my hand away from her afraid that I actually did hurt her
"Lilly!" I yelled so she could wake up not caring if I'd scare her
She immediately jumped up and started crying
I held her up to my chest while caressing her hair and said
"Hey heyy, it's ok, its ok, it was just a dream"
"Sh-she gra- you di-didn't ca" she stuttered
"Lilo, babe it's ok, it was only a dream... come here lets go wash your face"
I got up and carried her to the bathroom and seated her on the sinks counter

She was still crying so she quickly brung me between her legs and hugged me.
After 3 minutes of whispering comforting words in her ear she finally calmed down
"You ok know?" I asked
"Y-yea" she fake smiled
I cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears away.
"Come on let me help you wash your face"
"No... its ok I can do it"
"Ar-are you sure"
She nodded and slowly got off the sink counter
"Sor-sorry for waking you up, yo-you can go back to be-bed, I'll be there in a bit"
"Okay" I hugged her before going back into the room.
After a few minutes I felt Lillys body weight come onto the bed
"Oh, I thought you fell asleep" she said
"I couldn't fall asleep without you here"
She smiled and laid down close to me
"Hey Lilo"
"Ca-can we stay in bed all day tomorrow"
She didn't say anything after a few seconds she finally said
"Sure but lets go to sleep first then see what happens tomorrow morning"
I nodded and closed my eyes.

Lillys pov:
I love when he's a sweetheart its so cute; he gets all soft and vulnerable and he even starts stuttering sometimes around me.
I scooted closer to him and laid my head onto his chest but was soon picked up and laying on top of him
I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and fell asleep to the rhythm of his heart beat
*****Next Morning *****
I woke up at 12Pm and the sun was shining a bit too bright for my liking so I put the covers over both our heads
I looked down at him and I could hear his soft snores filling my ears
He looks so peaceful and innocent when he's asleep, sometimes I wish he was always like this, then I probably would date him but sadly I'm not so... ya
As I laid my head back on his chest my hair accidentally went on his face and apparently woke him up
"Good morning beautiful"
Ugh he sounds so hot with a raspy voice and his Australian accent is more noticeable
"Good morning" I smiled
I slowly got off of him and laid back down on the bed
"I'm gonna go make breakfast" he said while stretching
"Ok, I'll be down in a bit"
As he left the room I took out a fresh pair of clothes and went to take a shower
But before I could get in Jai pulled me by my my waist and gave me a big hug then left the room.

Can he get any cuter
I went into the bathroom and striped out of my clothes then hopped into the shower
After getting out I let my hair to dry itself and put on an oversized sweater along with a black pair of leggings then went downstairs
"Ok, I love you too bye" I heard Jai say over the phone as I walked into the kitchen
"Hey, was that your mom"
I really liked her shes a chill person and I'm not, I need someone like that in my life
"Oh.. umm... yea that was my mom"
"Next time you call her tell her to call me" I asked while getting some orange juice out of the fridge
"Do you want some" I offered
"Yea sure, oh and I made some strawberry Crèpes"
"How! I've tried a million times but they always come out burnt or disgusting"
"Well I am part of the brooks family... so I'm basically a professional at heart" he laughed while putting two crepes on two separate plates
As we were eating in a comfortable silence my phone went off
I looked at the screen and saw that it was a text from Rachel. Ignore
As I continued eating she texted me 7 more times then finally Jai said
"Who is that"
"Its Rachel, I'm not gonna answer"
"Ill do it" he said while grabbing my phone off the table
"No! Don't, I don't want anything to do with her"
"But what if she wants to be friends again"
"Then too bad cause she was the one that didn't wanna be my friend anymore"
He shrugged and put my phone down

Demon [Jai Brooks]Where stories live. Discover now