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James pov:
While the boys were eating I didn't eat cause I wasn't really in the mood for eating, plus we just ate hotdogs.
So I decided to go in the room Daniel lets me stay in when I sleep over.

As I laid on the bed I could hear sobbing in the other room which I'm guessing belongs to Lilly since she's the only girl that lives in this house. But isn't Jack with her how come she's crying.
I would never let her cry if I
was with her,friends or not.

"Come on Lilly you'll get over it I don't even know how your crying this much you guys literally JUST met" I heard Jack complain

Who the fuck complains while a girl is crying.
But then I heard her voice and that's when I started to feel bad cause I'm the reason she's crying.

"You don't get it Jack your a guy,this is why I don't like complaining about guys with you" she sobbed

"Ok ok I'm sorry but if you like him that much than just go talk to him."
She didn't answer him but then he spoke up and said "listen babe I gotta go but I'll see you at school tomorrow,ok"

After 3 minutes I finally heard the front door shut. But immediately I heard Lilly's door creak open and go downstairs.

Instead of laying down I sat on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands. That was until I heard "James?"

My head quickly shot up and it was Lilly standing at my door wearing her black tank top and her pajama bottoms had had snoopy on it.

"Uh ya" I said while standing up
I noticed she was walking closer to me slowly.
"I'm sorry" she said quickly while running into my arms and hugging me.

Before I could even say anything she was already crying on my chest.
I then picked her up and sat down in the bed so we would both be comfortable.

"Sh shh it's ok I'm here for you"
"I-I'm s-so sorry I d-didn't mean to do it" she choked out

"It's ok now stop crying please it makes me wanna cry" I begged
"I c-can't I just th-thought I lo-lost-"
I smashed my lips into hers even though her lips were salty from her tears I kept kissing her till she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

After slowly kissing for 2 minutes we both pulled away and I connected our foreheads to catch our breath.

"Ya James" she hiccuped
"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I asked confidentiality

She didn't answer for a few seconds and that's when I lost all my confidence and said "oh sorry never mind your probably dating that guy Jack.. I should probably go"

"Wait.. I didn't say I'm taken I was just shocked" she admitted
"Oh so will you?"
"Yes,yes I will be your lovely girlfriend that you shall spoil"
I immediately connected our lips once more and let them linger there for a few seconds.

Lilly's pov:
Right now I can't stop smiling cause I'm now dating James and I have no worries in my life and I'm wrapped in his arms laying in bed.
Even though it's still 7 O'clock. We didn't feel like doing anything.

"James have you eaten yet?"
"No why"
"Cause I haven't either and I'm starving even though I have the food that Daniel made but that's cold by now"

"Let's go downstairs" he said while getting up and interwind our fingers

We walked downstairs and the boys were playing FIFA again. But we ignored them and went straight to the kitchen.

"What would you like to eat Mr. Yammouni"
"I would like anything you like"
He repeated

"Ok then cereal it is, what kind do you want?"
"Doesn't matter I like all kinds except for Cinnamon Toast Crunch"
"Ok than Cheerios it is"

After setting the bowls on the table I sat right next to him and said "James I'm sorry"
"Oh my god it's ok, I forgive you" he laughed while cupping my cheeks

"Are you sure"
He nodded and pecked my lips.

*Ahem* *Ahem*
We both looked up and saw Luke and Daniel looking at us like we did something wrong.

"What are you cunts looking at" James said
"Umm well I don't know you just kissed my sister"
"Are you guys dating now!" Luke yelled

Me and James looked at each other smiling and said "yes we are"
All of a sudden everyone was cheering including Beau who probably walked here when Luke was yelling.


"Guy why are you yelling I'm literally not even a foot away" I said while covering my ears

"Jai come celebrate with us" Luke said
"No it's ok I gotta leave anyways"
"Wait Cunt at least congratulate them"
He sighed and came to where everyone was standing.

"Congratulations James and Lilly" he said

He was about to leave but Daniel pushed him towards us so he can hug me apparently.

He gave me a hug and whispered "congrats hope your happy with him and don't cheat on him"
I didn't know if he said that as a joke so I just smiled and said "thanks but do t you have to be somewhere"

He just nodded and left.

Jai's pov:
When I left my demon kicked in and asked "do you wanna kill someone know cause I know you have the anger in you"

"Yes I do actually I wanna kill someone it's been a while"
I blacked out right after that.

Demons pov:
When I entered Jai's body I started walking outside and ended up in the woods that's where I kill and find most of the people.

I was walking for about an hour and found a couple of teens but I kept circling the area cause I wait till Dawn to kill them it's much easier.
I walked up to the teens who have been making out for almost 2 hours #virgin.nation.

"Hey guys I need help I sorta got hit in the head but a huge branch do you guys have a first aid kit?" I asked innocently

"Oh um ya we do hold on" said the blonde girl.
"Uh oh sorry I'm Jai by the way" I said while sticking my hand out to her boyfriend.

"My names Matt nice to meet you to"
After pulling away he kept his eyes on me cause Jai was being nervous I can't control his feelings only his thoughts.

"Uh are you ok you seem scared"
"Oh no it's ok it's just that I don't like the dark especially in the woods" I lied

The girl finally came back and got the first Aid Kit.
"Ok so do you want me to do it for you"
"Ya please I don't really know anything about this stuff"

"Ok but we're gonna need some light cause I have to see where the cut is"

"Oh I have a flash light over there it's like a yard away from here"
"Oh so you have some things with you but not a first aid kit"

"Well I was gonna go hiking but got lost so I ended up here."
They both nodded and followed me but kept a distance.
"Let's go sit in the car and do it" the girl said as she was walking I took out my pistol and made sure the silencer was on properly.

I clicked the safety off button on the gun and put it back in the hem of My jeans. I sat in the car while the girl was looking through his my hair for the cut. "Um I can't seem to find the cut" she said "are you sure you even-" I cut her off by putting my hand on her mouth.

She tried screaming but it all came out muffled I placed the gun to her chest and shot her killing her instantly and got out of the car. I was walking out and bumped into Matt "where's Jessica?" he asked "Oh that's what her name was, ya she's in the car"

"What's she doing in there?" "Dying" I answered and shot him in the head immediately.
I took care of the evidence and got out of Jai's body so he can drive back home and not worry about it.

Demon [Jai Brooks]Where stories live. Discover now