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Chapters song~Jar of hearts

Reds pov:
"Red! Can you come first and eat dinner with us"
"Why, I like my room"
"Honey please you haven't talked to us in a while and I just wanns have a small family dinner" my mom begged from downstairs
I felt bad so I said
"Ok fine I'll be down in a second"
I cleaned up my wrist and washed the blade then walked downstairs
I sat on my seat and my dad said
"Honey are you ok?"
"Why wouldn't I be"
"Your not eating, talking or doing anything your just locking yourself up in that room of yours"
"So these are textbook signs of depression"
"I'm not depressed dad"
yes I am
"Do you want another psychologist or something"
"Aren't you a psychologist why can't you be it"
"Because you won't tell everything to a family member but you would to a stranger"
"Well I dont want one cause they cant seem to keep secrets"
"Well it was otherwise he tells us about your self harming or he calls suicide watch and thats not fun dont you think"
"Can I leave now"
"No" my dad said
"Yes sweetheart you can but eat something" first my mom said
101 reasons to love mom
"Thanks mom" I took two bites of the stake and ran upstairs
Since I didn't swallow it I spit it out in the garbage

I feel bad for Evan I've been being a bitch to him. I do.n't even know why I just was
I'm gonna call him
I dialed his number and he answered on the fifth ring
"Do yo-you think we c-can go some-where I wan-wanna talk to you"
"I do-dont think its a go-good time right now" he sniffled
"A-are you crying"
He stayed quiet for a few seconds but I heard him let out a small cry
"Lis-listen I gotta go"
"Wait no! Can I come over or som-something"
"I dont-.....ok but I'm at Lillys house"
"Wh-whats her address"
"Ill te-text you it"
"Ok bye"
I hung up and changed into some sweats and a black sweater
"Mom I'm going somewhere"
"Ok just don't take long"
"Ok, promise"

When I got to the house it was huge so I felt sorta intimidated while walking up to it
I knocked on the door and seconds later that Jai guy answered the door
"What are you doing here"
"Um I called Ev-Evan and I wan-wanted to check up on him"
"Ok well he's on the third floor, last room"
"Ok-okay thanks"
He let me in and as he was leading me to the stairs I saw Lilly crying
"Um wh-what's wron-"
"Nothing just go to Evan"
I walked up stairs, practically running and once I got to the last room I lightky knocked and heard a faint "come in"

I slowly walked in and saw him on the bed crying into his knees
I went up to him and hugged him
"Are you ok"
He shook his head and hugged me back
"I-I'm never go-going back there" he cried into my shoulder
I didn't know what he was talking about so I just rubbed his back and said
"Lay down"
He slowly let go of me while laying down
I laid down behind him and hugged him while whispering comforting things into his ear
This is kinda awkward cause I just met him the other day and I'm treating him as if I've known him for years
Minutes later heard a knock on the door
"Co-come in" Evan hiccuped
I saw Lilly walk in still crying and said
"Sor-sorry I just have to get something"
Evan quickly got up and said
"A-are you ok"
"Mhmm, never been better" she fake laughed while wiping her tears
"Lilly co-me on you ca-can tell me any-"
"Lilly come on"
She whispered something to Evan then yelled to Jai
"I fucking jus-just came in!"
"Ok sorry!"
After Lilly grabbed a red sweater and left Evan came back we laid in our same position

Lillys pov:
"Lilly come on please tell me why there was a pregnancy test in the box"
"I don't wanna talk about it" I cried
"Come on you said you were cold so you're gonna get the sweater then tell me" he begged
"I think its pretty obvious why its in there, why do you need to know the full story your not even my boyfriend or parent so why do you even care"
"Because I care about you"
"If you care about me then stop making me tell you the story"
He came up to me and hugged me
"Please please, I'm begging you just tell me what happend"
I shook my head and he harshly pulled away and said "fine then I know who will tell me"
"If your going to Rachel she won't say anything cause I know she's actually loyal"
"Ya keep saying that to yourself" he said while slamming the door shut
My blood is practically boiling at this point

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