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Jai's pov:
As I got to Evans house I noticed that it was a gated community just like Lilly I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't live in one, like half the school lives in a gated community like no wonder they're all bitchy and spoiled.
I parked in his driveway since it fit both our cars and went to join him at the door.
"Before we go in there might be alot of yelling when I walk in so... you know, just telling you"
I nodded understanding where he's coming from
He put the key in and ope ed the door
"Mom I'm home!"
"And where the hell were you all night, I wasn't worried its just that poor Tori needed the car" she yelled back from wherever she was standing
He ignited her and kept walking upstairs
"Evan! Your the biggest bitch ever why the fuck did you take the car I nee- oh wh-who's this"
"I'm Jai"
"Oh ya people told me about you"
"Really, what did they say" when did people even know me
"They said that you were the reason of Lillys breakup and that you did drugs everytime you skipped school and a bunch of other shit"
"Ok you can go, we need to talk"
"Shut the fuck up I wasn't talking to you"
"Ay why won't yoh shut the fuck up, he's this brother and you should respect him"
"Whatever" as she was about to leave I saw her hand raise up to push me out of the way so I quickly held her hand and said "Don't even try too key a finger on me"
"Mom! He's hitting me" she yelled out and obviously I didn't care that she was coming so I just loosened my grip a bit

"Oh my god get your hands of of my daughter"
"It's not my fault she wanted sex"
"She didn't want sex I raised her better than that"
"Do you even know what she does when you're not here"
"No and I dont want to know its her life and none of my buisness" his mom yelled
But Evan stayed quiet and I couldn't help but talk back to that bitch of a mother
"Well as a mother it should be your business, and you should know what's going on in her life"
"Well that's up to me cause they're my rules and one of them now is gonna be you can't be in my house so get out or I'm calling the cops"
"Fine I'll leave, it was starting to smell like bitch in here when you two came just to tell you"
I walked out and drove to Lilly's house.
I knocked on the door a few times but nobody answered so I took out the key that's under a brick and walked in

Lilly's pov:
Ever since Evan left I've been in my room crying but not cause he left I actually don't know why I'm crying, one second I was laying down thinking about everything that's been happening in my life then the next minute I was crying
I've just been thinking about how everythings been going wrong and how I feel lonely all the time, like I know I'm with Evan half the time but I still feel like no one other than Jai truly cares about me which is not the best thing but at least there's someone to lean on.
I quickly got out of bed, sat on my knees while joining my hands together and said a quick prayer
As I was still laying in bed with a stuffy red nose and red eyes I heard the door being knocked on but I ignored it not wanting to be disturbed but minutes later I heard my door open
"What the fuck is the matter with you" Jai yelled
I jumped in shock and quickly buried my head into the pillows so that he wouldn't see that I was crying
"What" I muffled against the pillows
"Why didn't tell me that they were calling you s fucking slut, whore and all that yesterday"

I mummbled something random so I can ignore his question
"Get the fuck up I wanna talk to you" he said while picking me up (Not being mean)
I quickly covered my face so he wouldn't see me
"Lilly what the fuck are you doing" he tried taking my hands off but I didn't budge
He sighed and in a low voice he said
"Lilo please, I have to talk to you"
"I don't want to talk right now"
"Can you listen?" He asked
I shook my head and said "can you please get out"
I waited for a response from him but all I got was a small kiss on the cheek then the door close
When it was dead silent I knew that he left but right when I looked up I saw him standing next to the door way
He ran up to me and knocked me on my bed while he stood over me.
"Why are you crying"
"I'm not"
"Stop lying"
"I'm not"
"If you dont tell me the truth I'll kiss you"
I glared at him and said
"If you do then I'll kick you out"
"No you won't"
"What do you want from meeeeee" I whined
"To talk to you"
"Well I don't so get out!" I yelled

Demon [Jai Brooks]Where stories live. Discover now