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Lillys Pov:
When Jack and Evan came back in I kicked Jack back out cause I needed to talk to Evan.
"Come la-lay down with me" I smiled
Once he laid down and got comfortable I started to speak again
"So, are you ok know" I asked
"Good cause I don't like seeing you like this"
"I don't like seeing you like this either"
"I'm ok don't worry, but your living with me for the rest of your life... or until wanna leave"
"This is just one of many reasons why I love you" he smiled while hugging me
"I love you too" I whispered
"I forgot to ask you, what's going on with you and Red"
"Nothing we're just friends" he blushed

"Come on tell me do you like her" I said and nudged his arm
"I think she's cute, but I can tell she's a really private person and I dont think she likes me"
I had a huge smile on and said
"You just admitted that you liked her"
"Wh-whaaat no I didn't"
"Aww my best friend has a crush on the new girl" I squealed
"Shup u-"
"Lilly can I come in now!" Jack yelled
"Oh ya I forgot he's here" I silently laughed
"We're not finished talking here ok?"
He nodded and Jack walked in
"Hey what are we talking about" he asked while sitting next to me
"Nothing" I laughed while winking at Evan
"Did you tell him" Jack whispered into my ear
"I'm telling him right now"
"Evannnn I forgot to tell you something"
"What is it" he suspiciously asked
''Me and Jack...... are now.... dating!"
"Congrats!" He happily smiled and hugged me
Wow we're both good at putting a fake smile on
"Have you guys kissed yet" he quickly whispered
"No, he literally just asked me out" I laughed
"Oh well you two should kiss right now, just cause" he blurted out
Me and Jack exchanged looks then we sat up

He cupped my cheek with one hand and the other was holding mine
We both slowly leaned in and when my lips finally touched his I didn't feel what I expected to feel I mean there wasn't any feeling or joy into this kiss. I hate to say this but I prefer Jais' kisses, its not that Jack doesnt know how to kiss (he's actually a really good kisser)
Its just that I don't think I have feelings for him.
I pulled away from the kiss and saw a smile on his face so I quickly smiled back
*Ahem* "I'm still here just so you know"
"Yes we both know Evan, now but now on serious matters about the funeral tomorrow...."
"Oh ya... what time is it" Evan sadly asked
"Its around 7:00 but I have to be there by 4 so I'm leaving school early"
"Ok, but uh I don't have a suit" Evan said
"I can get you a new one" Jack said
"Thanks" he said and Jack simply nodded
"Guys! Come on get out I wanna spend some time with my sister" Steve said while walking into the room

Jais pov:
I'm literally about going on a rampage I can't handle this (hes not), so much anger is building up inside of me, I'm punching everything in my way.
I left my car where it was and started walking wherever my feet will take me
"Excuse me sir would you like to try our new-"
"Shut the hell up you wrinkly old piece of shit!" I yelled while pushing her out of my way
"Hot dogs! Hot dogs! Get your hot dogs!"
I ran up to the annoying guy and punched him till he fell to the floor
I kept walking then heard "Taxi! Taxi!" A lady in her late 20s yelled
The cab didn't stop so she cursed outloud
I walked up to her and hardly punched her and walked away not caring about the people giving me looks
"Why the fuck is there so many people here!" I yelled out
Everyone just gave me dirty looks and kept walking
I looked around and saw myself in Time Square was I really walking for that long, Steves house is a mile away from here
"Hey! Shut up! Your scaring my kids" a man in his early 40s yelled
I walked up to him and punched him but immediately stopped when his son said
"Stop! Thats my dad he didn't do anything to you!"
I looked at both his daughter and son, which both looked scared
I looked back at the man and slowly let go of him then ran back to where my car was

I just arrived at an old 'friends' house and knocked harshly on the door
"What the hell calm down!" She said while harshly opening the door
"Oh hi Jai"
"Hi Kylie" I quickly said while letting myself in and closing the door after me
"What brings you here today"
"I.... I need a quick fuck"
I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into me while smashing my lips to hers
She started smiling into the kiss and slowly pulled away,
She held my hand and led me upstairs
"It's about time you came back"
A small smirk appeared on my face as we entered her room and closed the door
Both of us are laying down breathless under the covers
"I missed our old days" she barely breathed out
"Me too but I have to go now"
"I know...... you always leave after sex, but we have to take a shower first now come on"
She got up and went to the bathroom, I knew she was getting the water warm so I stayed in bed for a few seconds but then joined her.
I walked in without warning and hugged her from behind while leaving small kisses on her shoulder blade and moved up to her neck earning soft moans from her.
She slowly turned around and snaked her arms around my neck while connecting our lips
"You...seem.... stressed" she said between kisses
"Don't get me started" I sighed and continued to kiss her
She put her hands on my chest and pulled away,
"Come on lets finish this shower, then maybe we can talk later"
I nodded and continued on with our shower

I already have some clothes here so I put on a pair of sweats and a tank top and she did the same as well
"Come here" she said, patting the empty spot next to her on the couch
I did as she said and she soon sat on my lap straddling my waist with her legs
"Tell me what's wrong Bubba" she said in a childish way
"Its this... girl"
"Mhmm" she nodded for me to continue
"Her name is Lilly and I love her but she doesn't love me back, and now she's dating her best friend. And also she said hates me which is killing me every second I think of it
"Hate is a strong word.... wait how can someone hate you"
"That's what I'm asking myself"
"Well I'll give you some advice: Just stay away from them for about a week or two the-"
"No, I can't stay away for that long I can't even go a day without watching her sleep or touch her delicate soft skin"
"What's so special about her" she interestingly asked
"Everything, I mean have you seen anyone stay with me or hang out with me more than a month"
"No not really, she might be diffrent is that it"
"No, she's not diffrent she's just an interesting person, her life stories sound cliche at times but I mean who doesnt have a little clichè in their life" I slowly said
She laid her head on my chest and said
"Don't let this girl go then, try your best to get her and don't... and I mean it when I say this, don't get violent" she seriously said while looking up at me
I nodded and cupped her cheeks while placing a kiss on her lips

"Are you cold" I asked cause her nose and cheeks felt cold
She nodded and nuzzled her head in the crook of my neck.
I hugged her from her lower back and picked her up
"Where are you taking me" she mumbled
"No where, I'm just getting a blanket"
After getting one I laid back down with Kylie on top of me and lazily put the blanket over us.
After laying in a comfortable silence for 10 minutes I heard someone open and close the door
"Babe where is my beer!'' Her boyfriend yelled
"In the basement"
He walked into the living room amd saw us
"What the hell Kylie!"
"What" she repeated
"Who the fuck is this guy!"
"My friend, but we kinda just fucked so were really exhausted, do you mind not yelling"
I let out a small chuckle and said
"Listen Dave just leave, she obviously doesn't love you anymore"
"Yea she does!" He fired back
"No I don't, after you hit me I and left me here to die I stopped"
Which thankfully I saved her
"But then that means you stopped loving me a year ago...... And you never told me!"
"You're never here so what's the point"
"So were breaking up?"
"Yea pretty much" she said holding back the tears
"Ok fine then, I'll come back tomorrow to get my stuff" he said in a low voice and walked out
"Are you ok" I asked
She sniffled a few times and said "Yea I'm ok, I was gonna break up with him anyways"
I hugged her tighter and we both fell asleep within minutes

***short chapter***
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