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Evans pov:
"Can I go see my friend" I asked the nurse
"Sure but I'm gonna need you to sit on a wheel chair"
"Yea I know"
"Ok then I'll be right back"
When she left I got a text from Jai
Jai: Lilly just woke. You can come see her if you want
Evan: Ok I was just about to come
As I put my phone down the nurse got the wheel chair and helped me get on it
After a couple of minutes we finally found Lillys room
I knocked on the door and Jai answered it
"Hey, come in she's been whining for the past 5 years"
"Shut up Brooks I care about my friends"
A big smile appeared on my face when I saw her healthy and breathing again
"Come here Evan I missed you, I can't sit up so I'm gonna be laying down the whole time" she giggled to herself
Jai thanked the nurse for bringing me here then kicked her out
He literally said
"Thank you for bringing him here... get out now"
Jai strolled me next to Lillys bed and put the brakes on
"How are you doing" she asked
"Horrible I can barely stretch or stand up, what about you"
"I'm ok, but I can't move anything besides my head and legs and a little bit of my arms"
"Its ok its not your fault" she said while holding my hand
"Thank you... for saving me.. again"
"Its my job isn't it" she fake laughed
I can see deep down how sad she is and just wants to be alone
"Do you wanna be alone" I whispered
"No I'm ok"
I shrugged and saw Jai sitting down then immediately got up
"Listen uh Lilo I have to go but I'll be back to pick you guys up"
"Wh-where are you going" she sadly asked
"I have some work to finish"
He gave her a quick kiss on her forehead then left
"What was that about" I asked
"I don't know, but your still living with me right" she asked
"Yea, but I have to tell you something.... really important"
"Oh, what is it" she said seeming off guard
"So.... I have some sort of mental illness and nobody knows about it besides my family"
"Wh-what kind of illness.... I mean you look fine to me"
"I'm... Schizophrenic"
"B-but h-how you seem fi-fine to me" she stuttered out of shock
"Its cause I'm not fully diagnosed with it its just a low key thing, that's why I don't tell anyone about it"

"Wait so like what do you see right now"
"I see whatever your seeing just things pop up once in a while"
"That's cool, but is it curable"
"I don't think so I never asked"
"Sorry for asking so many questions but do you even wanna get rid of it"
"No... not really, its part of who I am now and I know how to deal with it"
"Evan you're so adorable when you're serious" she giggled, trying to lighten up the mood

Jais Pov:
"Mate! Halloween is tomorrow and you still have Jack alive" Beau yelled at me
"No I killed him yesterday and Daniel told me how he wants me to die so... my work is done here"
"Did you mark them all"
"Of cours I did but we have to get his phone" I explained then told him to follow me to my car and started driving off to the dumpsight
"Come down with me"
We got out of the car and started making our way towards the horrible stinging smell
Right when we went in three rats came running through our feet
"Oi! Thats fucking disgusting" Beau yelled while runing back out
"Stop whining and come help me look for him"
I went back to where he was and grabbed him by his ear and dragged him to where I last remembered Jacks body was
Me and Beau grabbed big sticks and started poking at thing, picking garbage up and stupidly shouting his name as if he could here us
An hour later we were towards the end of the dumpsight basically suffocating but luckily found him
"Oh yea! I walked in here from the back, not the front"
Beau started glaring at me then hit me in the gut with the stick
"Get his phone and lets go!" He yelled while walking back to the entrance

We drove back home and I took a quick shower and as I was about to exit the house Jacks phone rang
I put it on silent and hid it under one of the couches then drove to the hospital.
"Hey Lilo did you miss me"
"Sadly yes"
"Oh where did Evam go"
"The stupid nurse said he had to take his medication, oh ya he has to stay here overnight but the doctor said I can leave whenever I wanted to"
"Ok good then let me help you out of these"
I help her take out some of the needles that the nurse forgot to take out and then helped her walk
"Here wear my hoodie"
I put it over her head and luckily I wore my oversized sweater so it ended mid thigh for her. The hospital people threw all her clothes away cause they wered soaked in blood
"Ok since your only in underwear we're gonna have to run, but you can't so I'm gonna carry you"
"Can't I just walk and act as if I'm wearing shorts"
"Fine" as we walked out I intertwined our fingers and walked out
When we got to the elevator she let go of my hand and called someone
But when the person didn't answer she shut her phone and asked for mine
"Who are you calling"
"Jack but he's not answering, who cares he's probably at work or something"
She gave me my phone back and walked out once the doors opened

The car ride was filled with a comfortable silence all the way until we got to her house
"Are you coming in"
"I don't know, do you want me to"
"I want to be alone for a bit if that's ok"
"Of coarse it is, but I'm just gonna help you get inside"
She nodded and waited for me to help her out of the car.

Reds Pov:
"Mom I gotta tell you something"
"Sure what is it" she said while gently stroking my hair back
"I-I think dad is still cheating on you"
"I know he is, I mean that's the only reason he's going to Boston" she sadly said
I looked at her and a frown appeared on my face but was soon replaced with a smile
"Do you wanna have a girls night like we used to"
"That would be a great idea, do you wanna go out now" she asked
"Sure just let me go get dressed"
I ran upstairs and locked the door as I took my shirt off and threw it across the room and on my bed
I ignored looking at the mirror because that'll just ruin my whole entire mood so I walked into the bathroom and slowly took the wrapped gauze off and into the garbage
I walked back out and picked out the first thing I saw in my closet then left with my mom
"Mom that guy is a pedophile"
She immediately choked on her drink and said
"Excuse me, how would you know"
"Because he literally stared at all the kids that walked by and he's drooling over one right now" I informed her
She looked over at him and her face cringed
"God, can you please tell me why my daughter is such a weird person" she said in a serious tone but we both ended up in a fit of laughter

"Sweety eat up and lets go, I wanna show you this movie theater I think you'll love''
"Its ok I'm not hungry we can go now" we both happily got up and left but not before paying
As we were walking outside a group of kids from my school passed by I was scared at first that they'd do something to me like the kids from my school
But they walked right past me and some even waved to me
They waved at me? Why, nobody waves at me
"Red, are you ok" my mom asked
"Yea I'm fine... perfect " I said then walked into our car and she drove to the movie theater
When we got there I read the name of the place and its called Film Society
Wait I've heard of this pla e before... oh well lets walk in and see.
When we walked in it loked like a normal movie theater so I just kept walking in line till it was our turn to buy our tickets
"What movie do you wanna watch" my mom asked
"I donr know what do you wanna watch" I shrugged
"We'll both say it at the same time"
"Ok, 1... 2...3!"
In unison we both said
"The Lobster!"
Its a movie about how if anyone is single they get rounded up and sent to another state where only single people live and they also get turnedld into animals bht the man ends up falling in love and all that stuff
I only know this cause I saw the trailer a few days ago

"Two tickets to The Lobster" my mom said
"Ok that'll be $13.00"
My mom paid and as we were walking towards the theater door I started to remember parts of what this place is, but still couldn't put my finger on it
"Ok before we go in, cover your eyes"
I playfully sighed and did as she said
She lead me in and made me sit at a seat then said
"Ok... open your eyes"
I slowly did as she said and my mouth fell open right when I saw that this was THE INDIE DESIGNED THEATER
Oh my god Ive always wanted to come here
I immediately turned my attention to my mom and hugged her
"Thank you so much for bringing me here"
"Its my job as a mother to spoil you" she elegant said and reached in for another hug
"Ok ok come on the mivie is starting"
"Ok uh I'll be right back, I'm gonna go buy some snacks for us"
"Ok" I replied with the biggest smile
I thank my mom for always willing to put a smike on my face cause in all honesty I havent smiled this hard in so long

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